I think maybe I've been approaching my livejournal the wrong way all these years. I've built up post writing into this big deal in my head, and consequently I always feel like what I have to say isn't important enough to write down.
But the point of a journal is to write all that crap that you WANT to write down, regardless of whether people want to read it, right? At least lately, that seems to be want I want to be able to get out of it.
So, simple post #1:
I've been working on a regular workout routine to get myself fit and healthy. So far it consists of me aiming for
THIS, doing an ab routine, and playing fast paced Dance Dance Revolution in my apartment. I've made it to 25 consecutive push ups, which is unheard of for me in the past so I'm pretty pleased. Also, I like the way I look in a sports bra, so checking myself out pre and post workout has been pretty good for my self confidence.
It's strange, in the past I would always have an anime convention cosplay to motivate me to workout. I thought that I was doing it to look good for photos, and I'd been worrying this past year that without that motivation I'd just let myself become a lazy schlupp. But as it turns out, maybe I set those cosplay goals because of a more deep seated need to train my body. I've missed the feeling of physical exertion, and of feeling like I'm pushing my body past its limit. And while it's been easy here in Japan to feel complacent about how other people view me, to go along with societal expectations of how I should look, I'm finding that I'm not so satisfied with that any more. Even if it's just under my clothes, I want to look the way I envision myself to look.
So, I'll be working out a lot more I think. Maybe if I become physically fit enough I'll finally teach myself to break dance, since I've always secretly been envious of the ability to spin on one's head.