Four Things You May or May Not Know About Me
[A] Four Jobs I have had in my life
1. 1-4th grade Playground Supervisor
2. Japanese language Tutor
3. Barrista
4. English language Tutor
[B] Four Movies I would watch over and over:
1. Together
2. The Lion King
3. Monty Python's Life of Brian
4. Vanilla Sky
[C] Four Places I haved Lived (only four?)
1. West Lafayette, Indiana
2. Honolulu, Hawaii
3. Seattle, Washington
4. Kobe, Japan (studying here for a year counts, right?)
[D] Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. Doctor Who
2. Heroes
3. Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger
4. Avatar, The Last Airbender
[E] Four Places I have been
1. Richmond, Canada
2. Taoyuan, Taiwan
3. Shanghai, China
4. Hokkaido, Japan
[F] People who e-mail me:
1. Mom (always with the forwards, why??)
2. My sister
3. ADP Mailing List
4. My Student Tutor
[G] Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mac and Cheese
2. Beef
3. Parfaits
4. Dill Pickles
[H] Four Places I would Rather be Right Now:
1. Hogwarts
2. Denliner
3. Mexican Restaurant
4. Swimming Pool filled with Lime Jello
[I] Four Friends I think will Respond: (This is a euphemism for "tag four friends!" )
1. No
2. bo
3. dy
4. !
[J] Things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince FRIDAY NOVEMBER 21 2008 IMAX IN 3D BE THERE (I WILL JOSE)
2. Golden Week
3. Mexican Restaurant!!!
4. New Avatar Episodes (They have to come out eventually this year, right?)
[K] What did you do today?
1. Played some more Mr. Driller
2. Ate buffet breakfast
3. Read
zinjadu's Jack/Nine fanfic
4. Made plans for faffing about in Kyoto