Nope, Eiji Otsuka (MPD Psycho,out of other things)! Leviathan coems before it,though. and it's more bizarro-awesome than GORE GORE GORE(well.still some gore, a bit. but not much. I'm very traumatisable and haven't been traumatized by it,so. :) ).
Oh, you have to see the random references to laods of things he tosses in,it's quite..amazing. There's an Atom-like boy, there's a Saddam Hussein look alike called Mussaine,a Bush look-alike but(okay,that's much later on)...he only uses them as images,really, for his characters and progression(from what I remember)not to place any political views he might have. It's this huge mish-mash of images of today's world. and other things,too. It's also very pretty. It's really mad.
Talking about Atom, did you read Naoki Urasawa's Pluto? I kinda stopped in it by lack of finding scans but gosh. Naoki Urasawa's really brilliant with hisintrigues and his characters.
I read the first few chapters of Pluto, but no more. I can only hope they'll license it here, like they did 20th CB and Monster. (Lots of interesting manga seem to be licensed quickly in France - I envy you people!)
*A* 20th CB♥! I actually have not yet started on Monster (albeit seeing the Anime's first episode) and it looks brilliant! I must admit I'm mostly prone to going to the library and reading the mangas there than actually buying them,with a few exceptions.
Ehehe, we've been nicely treated the last few years when it came to manga. Till 1999-2000 they were still in that state of mind 'mangas/animes = pornographic and violent' (which had started in 1994-1995) and I think Pokémon was the turning point of the manga boom. Nowadays, we get a little of everything, but amusingly enough editors do lots of efforts to add in little freebies. Like a D.Gray-Man magnet, or Eyeshield 21 keychain, or -well,that made the volume more expensive - that BECK Cd with japanese indie music on it(it was a very nice CD).
We really do get some of the worst, and some of the best though. But I remember always beoing impressed at the amount of manga aavailable in Indonesia XD;.
Little bonuses that come with manga volumes? That's pretty innovative actually. (A Japanese indie music CD, awesome)
There are a lot of manga titles here, but many of them are of the sparkly-bubbly shoujo kind, which is not my thing, even were I, hm, younger. ;) Popular series like Fullmetal Alchemist and Bleach are, on the other hand, very hard to acquire officially. FMA has just started last month, and Bleach should be released...sometime this year, hopefully along with Death Note. I don't know why it's hard to get the Japanese publishers' permission. Maybe we're already too famous for copyright infringement, i.e. pirated manga.
Leviathan coems before it,though. and it's more bizarro-awesome than GORE GORE GORE(well.still some gore, a bit. but not much. I'm very traumatisable and haven't been traumatized by it,so. :) ).
I think I saw a couple of panels or chapters (please forgive a grandma's lapse of memories). More disturbing than gory, but still intriguing.
There's an Atom-like boy, there's a Saddam Hussein look alike called Mussaine,a Bush look-alike but(okay,that's much later on)...he only uses them as images,really, for his characters and progression(from what I remember)not to place any political views he might have. It's this huge mish-mash of images of today's world. and other things,too. It's also very pretty. It's really mad.
Talking about Atom, did you read Naoki Urasawa's Pluto? I kinda stopped in it by lack of finding scans but gosh. Naoki Urasawa's really brilliant with hisintrigues and his characters.
(Lots of interesting manga seem to be licensed quickly in France - I envy you people!)
I must admit I'm mostly prone to going to the library and reading the mangas there than actually buying them,with a few exceptions.
Ehehe, we've been nicely treated the last few years when it came to manga. Till 1999-2000 they were still in that state of mind 'mangas/animes = pornographic and violent' (which had started in 1994-1995) and I think Pokémon was the turning point of the manga boom.
Nowadays, we get a little of everything, but amusingly enough editors do lots of efforts to add in little freebies. Like a D.Gray-Man magnet, or Eyeshield 21 keychain, or -well,that made the volume more expensive - that BECK Cd with japanese indie music on it(it was a very nice CD).
We really do get some of the worst, and some of the best though. But I remember always beoing impressed at the amount of manga aavailable in Indonesia XD;.
There are a lot of manga titles here, but many of them are of the sparkly-bubbly shoujo kind, which is not my thing, even were I, hm, younger. ;) Popular series like Fullmetal Alchemist and Bleach are, on the other hand, very hard to acquire officially. FMA has just started last month, and Bleach should be released...sometime this year, hopefully along with Death Note. I don't know why it's hard to get the Japanese publishers' permission. Maybe we're already too famous for copyright infringement, i.e. pirated manga.
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