things are what you make of'em,things are what you make of 'em!

Jan 07, 2007 21:59

sigh. school again tomorrow!

People were doing it, and I somewhat got tagged by allenwalker,so there it is, the Ten facts MEME

Rules: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.

1. I still pick my nose. A lot. I'm quite good at not making it look like I'm picking my nose.OHGOD NOW YOU KNOW MY SECRET.

2. Well,since we're on nose-related subjects, I once inhaled a big bite of a crêpe (cheese, ham,and egg filled it was!) while eating (the roadway to my oesophagus is fucked up, I tell you!1). It was..stuck there,until I blew my nose in a tissue,and it came out, along with a,um,decent amout of mucus. I think I might've been fourteen at that time.

3. I've always loved fantasy fiction. I remember a time where I'd go to the library near my home, always knew where fantasy (well,children's fantasy) was but it was always rather poor. In the recent years, it suddenly burst with a lot of stuff, a lot which were a bit crap. or seemed it. or,well,were generally very alike to each other when reading the back. However, I'm a bit mad at myself for not falling sooner on really good fantasy -- by that, I mean Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchet. I've read 6 Diana books ever since I saw Howl's moving castle. They're fairly quick to read. I really love Charmed life a lot. I've also always had a soft spot for fantasy book covers,or just book covers in general.

4. um. I had my punk fascination years. I did, but never dressed truly,well 'punk'.or not so much,not at school. I do own a red pseudo-punk (read,13 years old wannabe) red T-shirt with I don't care written on it and black ,and black sleeves of that material with holes in it. It is now officially part of my 'gosh what a loser I was/am this stuff didn't even fit me' clothes collection. Oh,and very large baggy like pants,except not quite because they're very large towards the bottom.They came with a chain. But actually - I'd have wanted to be a punkrockboy. or something. not a girl. I might still have a certain attray for the attire! I'm quite convinced I'd be terrified of skateboarding,though. that doesn't necessarily go in the package,but when I see the ginormeous scars of certain people I know, it sets me a bit off. must admit I'm clumsy liekwhoa.

5. I clearly remember my very first (and only,probably) boy best friend.We were three years old. He loved girl clothes and girl toys. I remember we all gave him shiny Sailo r moon,barbie,polly pocket stuff for his birthday.He came to my birthday party, I had a blue tutu, he wore it,and he was very happy. We mgiht've lent him a sparkly hairband. I remember he was pushing around my doll in her carriage dressed in my blue tutu.

6. I don't really think of myself as a boy,or as a girl,actually. Yes,it might be a little old to say that, but recently, well, I've come to the conclusion that I liked -- I'm not sure if I quite look the part -- being a tad,well,gender confused.No hatred of dresses nor skirts,but if I wear them, I'll be likely to stand boyishly, or to run around much more.

7. Speaking of which, I'm always running around, climbing on things(well,at home) ,running up and down streets,falling down,getting lots of little scars everywhere. for some reason, I work stories best when I'm running around.

8. I did my very first wristcuts this Christmas. I'm not specially proud. I won't do it again. It's for stupid reasons,too.I was being overemotionnal(well,I've always been overemotionnal. which I hate.) . I cried for no distinct reason except vague feelings of dismay, tried to calm myself,calmed myself, broke into tears for a reason or another, tried to calm myself again,broke into tears again,tried to calm myself again-- and,being at my gandmother's home -- I didn't think running in the street,which I mghit've done in another case,was a good idea -- I was desperately trying to find a mean to calm myself. um.scissors happened.

9. I cry quite easily,but I hate that, especially crying in front of people. It doesn't necessarily mean sadness, mroe often it doesn't. It's just,when I'm ruffled by a strong emotion, I often can't help myself. It makes me feel rather weak.

10. I tend to have odd motherly/big sisterly feelings towards somewhat loser-hinting blonde boys,especially if they're younger than me. well, that don't particularly look cool. I think we may blame my 14 years old cousin on that -- despite the fact that he's rather cute,and better at most things than I am and really much much more on crack and sociable . I also kind of like kids, except I'm technically a KID'S VICTIM that gets harassed to play retarded games and giddy up horse. I think I might ask for it,really.

Tagging hysteriagalore, tsururu, calvina, gooziewoozie, marx, _kantarou, irregularly ,artificial_yum.

I don't really show much of what I do in extracuricular artclass. So,I took a picture of something I did last October. It's perhaps not that interesting. It's a fictionnal island based on a universe for an item that we're specially fond of.I,er, picked my only baby doll,since I've never had much interest in those. I'd written a perhaps of love to it which I remember went at some point 'all those like you,with their skin peach coloured,or rosy coloured,or not,their eyes blue or green or not, I hate them.But you, I tolerate you ,not to say I like you'.

And also, my Pinky:street collection which vastly grew in the past month.

This is a model + map I made during extracurricular art class back in October. You might see the D.Gray-Man influence for the star-shaped gulf. Heart are for Kingdom Hearts, and one of the plateaus is called Roxaxel(or is it one of the pikes?) . The names were very random -- the island 's name is' Island of the second heart and other things as well.' Second heart for KHII . I'm not even done with KHI,though :D;.

and um, here be my Pinky:street collection for no reason in particular!

From left to right: Caine (limited ed. RMP #003), Nazuna (limited ed. RMP#001) both of which I bought Dec.26 '06, Rui (which I bought a year ago and a half ago), and Tamae (which was given to me for Christmas by calvina IIIIIH♥♥♥.)
Still want AgitoAkito liekwhoa,though.

x-posted to mlst. I've actually made this quite some time ago. Hm,it's not about a particularly dramatic part of my life,or a particularly low one, or a particularly good one either. I'm not a particularly special person. There's songs I relate to because of what I am on the overall, songs that relate to habits I have, or things I tell myself I should abide by. It varies. So, here it is, Aroe the Soundtrack!

an Aroe mix with a title nobody really understands, including the mixmaker.

It's Five! - Architecture in Helsinki
This song is adorable. full of happy,but a certain shade of happy,sounding a tad,well, childlike acoustic-ey? I can't really say I'm all that adorable, but I am a little afraid of people, I probably have failed to impress anyone, and I'm one to sputter that kind of nonsense -- but it rather sounds as half-joyful I.

Stranger danger. Danger Stranger.
When you gonna follow through?
The mistake you don't make or the rain cloud covers above your house.
Steal the feelings don't focus on the flame girl.
Did I fail to impress you?
Could've sworn that wine and one and four made two, But It's 5!

Long Days - David & The Citizens
I procrastinate. My sense of logic has been proven by specialists to be slightly under average, um. And I tend to easily get sucked in the whirlwind of school,and life. I do,as the above,relate a lot to that one too,and am having troubles explaining why.
There are two ways of doing this
one is easy and one is complicated
and it's up to me to pick one, now
and I don't think I'll pick the easy one
I Don't want to grow up - The Ramones
I'm quite a bit scared of growing up. Of things I'd have to do, of facing the world, um things of the original. Peter plan complex?
When I'm lying in my bed at night
I don't wanna grow up
Nothing ever seems to turn out right
I don't wanna grow up

How do you move in a world of fog thats
Always changing things

Combat Baby - Metric
calvina made me a mix once.This was on it. umm -- I tend actually to be a little,well, mentally 'lethargic' at times, because partly of back problems that make me feel dizzy from standing up 8D;. And. I should fight more. taking it literally, I enjoyed physical fighting, or jst arm wrestles when I was smaller, I still do a lot, but boys seem to beat me moreoften now D:.
Combat baby come back baby
Fight off the lethargy
Don't go quietly
Combat baby
Apply some pressure - Maximo Park
I too don't make much sense, have a weird thinking process that goes from unrelated thing to unrelated thing.
You know that I would love to see you in that dress
I hope that I will live to see you undress
The every day is part of what consumes me
The hate I feel is part of what fuels me

I testify to having guilty feelings
I must confess, I'd like to be caught stealing

London Underground - Amateur transplants
Replace London by Paris. except we don't have the mind the gap. every morning and night, around 30 minutes of metro. how often I've cursed it when the trains just did not seem to arrive.
Cos once again the Tube's on strike.
The greedy bastards want extra pay
for sitting on their arse all day
even though they earn 30K .
So I'm standing here in the pouring rain,
Where the fuck's my fucking train?

Things are what you make of them -- Bishop Allen
Something I try to abide by,but probably fail. I'd be boy,girl,whomever ,spending his or her days with his or her demons,meeting up with his common sense being told 'if you don't make a noise,god will never know you'll there.'
I was spending my days with my demons, yeah
They had taken up inside of my heart
They were trying to keep me entertained
They were tearing me apart

No More Cry - The Corrs
I like to think that if you're a friend,and you've got a problem/feel bad, I'll try my best to make you feel better. Can't really tell if I'm that successful, but it's honestly something I'd like to do.
Fill the empty find a rhyme
A brigther day a better time
But I'm wondering where I'm gone
Can't find the truth within my song
And all I have give to you
To let you know you're not alone

Who needs sleep? Barenaked Ladies
Am also a bit of an insomniac.

Who needs sleep?
well you're never gonna get it
Who needs sleep?
tell me what's that for
Who needs sleep?

Do your best and don't worry -- Morrissey
My confidence is fairly low. Often, that blocks me. This is something I try to tell myself. It does give me a little courage, I think.
Just do your best and dont ...
Dont worry, oh
The way you hang yourself is oh, so unfair

30 MB.

pinky:st, aroe, pictures, fst, art

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