Sep 03, 2004 23:52
Well, I've been meaning to post pics of my vacation, but with the hoopla of getting ready to leave for Regina and saying goodbye to everybody, I havn't had the time to. But I'll do it shortly after I arrive. I leave for Regina tomorrow morning at approx 9 am, and will probably arrive there 24-26 hours later. Yes, anoter LONG ASS car ride. Goin old school with my CD collection, and bought an issue of Sports Illustrated to keep me entertained. That and sleeping, and help drive. Other than that, wish me (and my ass, as it will be hard on my ass and back) luck!
See you guys on the other side...2000 km away...(well to Caylie I'll actually be getting a hell of a lot closer to, but not to anybody else...hahahahahaha)