time for a new intellectual blog output?

May 20, 2009 18:34

I'm thinking about starting up a new blog. Something more intellectual/philosophical/conceptual/critical than LJ tends to be for me, perhaps even more poetic than Twitter or romantic than Facebook, or existential than ye olde MySpace. I have TP, but it needs both an update and an over-haul.

Of course, the real question is: do I have the time for this? My attention seems spread thin at times already, and my vanity is pushing me to compete with those blogs that I look up to for their intellectual thrust: infinite thought, Bitch Ph.D., k-punk, Acephalous, larval subjects, etc. Not that listening to one's vanity is such an awful thing; I might as well be listening to Existence itself, or so Schopenhauer reminds me.

The whole enterprise needs further thought, I suppose.

Today I tweaked the entropic references of a paper I've got going into the International Journal of Zizek Studies edition on "Zizek and Ideology" being put together by some lovely fellows in Cardiff. It's times like these that the automation of Endnote seems like a semi-useless thing, rather than utterly irritating and purposively avoidable. But the printer isn't working at the moment so fiddling with things on my laptop really only provokes a sense that this is moving along at a comfortable space. Look here come mid-year and my dense pathology-fuelled scrawl shall be visible to all.

I should really make a note to myself that the only reason I have the coincidence of free time and red wine to write this post is that I'm roasting dinner because it's wet and cold tonight. So maybe there's some inspiration in that for the title of this hypothetical blog: Roasted, Toasted, and Thinking.

philosophy, everyday symbolic fiction

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