In need of therapist, apply within

Apr 24, 2008 17:17

Having one of those hazy afternoons.

I sketched my 'possibilities' over lunch today and I'm still at a bit of a loss as to what I'm going to do after my PhD. The friendly jurisprudes in the Griffith Law School almost sold me the idea of grad entry law, except I think I'd have an episode if I had to go back to the undergrad grind. On the other hand, the psychoanalytic bods at Deakin are very interested in having me take their Masters of Psychoanalytic Studies externally. At least this would put me in touch with Grigg, Sharpe, Boucher, and others, but I can't shake the feeling that (despite how elitist it sounds) a Masters is a bit below me at the moment. Pragmatically, they've said I can tailor my assessment so I can generate publications, so it's not all bad. And then there's the third elusive option, the rare post-doctoral fellowship. But I don't think my publications are nearly busy enough to throw me into that circle. At least doing Law would give me that 'infinitely employable intellectual' aura that Philosophy just does not have any more.

moody bastard, everyday symbolic fiction

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