Oh, THAT paper... Sure...

Sep 14, 2007 12:57

Congratulations on the submission bragi_gwydion!
May your thesis ride high and dazzle the examiners!

This morning I received on of those confusing emails... The sort of email that refers to a chunk of writing that you sliced out of an old seminar paper and threw at some journal for consideration in a drunken revelry. We think your article proposed for the IJZS postgraduate edition has excellent potential, with many strong incisive points throughout. We do feel, however, that the present form is still short of a formal introduction and would benefit from some periodic signposting throughout. The editors would definitely consider publishing if these minor details were attended to. Please consider making these adjustments and re-sending.
I don't actually remember the title of the paper they are referring to here. I've had a paper in the system of IJZS for months now, but I vaguely remember following up on their call for papers that went around last month - 'vague' as in 'I don't recall if I actually forwarded something else to them...'


ménagerie de la recherche

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