On the existing in its idealisation

May 09, 2007 13:28

Having an existential day?

I am.

But when life feels like it has been stretched out across a cold, snowy field in a beautiful region of Japan you know it's neither an end, a middle, nor a beginning. Everything just is. And in the stupor of its nature, its being-there, we find ourselves enamoured with our own boredom.

And the way out of this? Why, to read Zizek of course!"Recall the old Catholic strategy to guard men against the temptation of the flesh: when you see in front of you a voluptuous feminine body, imagine how it will look in a couple of decades - the dried skin, sagging breasts... (Or, even better, imagine what lurks now already beneath the skin: raw flesh and bones, inner fluids, half-digested food and excrements...) Far from enacting a return to the Real destined to break the imaginary spell of the body, such a procedure equals the escape from the Real, the Real announcing itself in the seductive appearance of the naked body. That is to say, in the opposition between the spectral appearance of the sexualized body and the repulsive body in decay, it is the spectral appearance with is the Real, and the decaying body which is reality - we take recourse to the decaying body in order to avoid the deadly fascination of the Real which threatens to draw us into its vortex of jouissance.

A "raw" Platonism would have claimed here that only the beautiful body fully materializes the Idea, and that a body in its material decay simply falls of from its Idea, is no longer its faithful copy. From a Deleuzian (and, here, Lacanian) view, on the contrary, the specter that attracts us is the Idea of the body as Real. This body is not the body in reality, but the virtual body in Deleuze's sense of the term: the incorporeal/immaterial body of pure intensities."

The suggestion that life is like that fence does not mean it is boring. Au contraire, the fence is a specter that haunts the landscape. Our life attracts us to the pure Idea of our life being Real.

PS, a companion piece for the Deleuze/Plato article is here.
Or, you could just read about Mao.

PPS, My interest in Schelling is starting to peak.

Žižek whore, everyday symbolic fiction

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