bragi_gwydion has returned from Perth and blogged about what she despises enjoys the most about sharing an office with, among others, a film theorist and a philosopher:
I also realised that i'd been missing the ususal odd conversations with my colleagues. Observe the following (typical!) exchange from today:
Philosopher: I think the higher up you are the more conducive it is to serious thought
Film Theorist and myself in unison: Quick, let's get as close to the ground as we can.
Film Theorist: I'm shorter than you so I'm ok
Philosopher: I'd be happy to sit in a cave and read Plato
Film Theorist: I'd be happy to sit in a cave and read Playboy
Me: I'd be happy to sit in a cave and play
And that is why Literature theorists will always be more sane than other academics - we know that books are really just toys.
Yes, they are just toys, and the world is a big nursery for people who study books.
Academia is just another way of not growing up.