I did a multi-part series with Sophie Fiennes [sister of Ralph] called ''Pervert's Guide to Cinema." What I like is it's not about me. It's really about what psychoanalysis can tell us about cinema. And there are some wonderful, tasteless ideas. For instance, they reconstructed some of the sets of Hitchcock and David Lynch movies. Do you remember, toward the end of ''Psycho," where Lila, the sister, goes into the basement and sees Norman's mother, and Mrs. Bates turns around and you see it's only a mummy? We had this scene reconstructed, and somebody touches the mother, she turns around, and you see it's me. [Laughs] The comment was, ''This is much more horrible than Mrs. Bates!"
the Boston Globe On Saturday
amabile and I went to see The Pervert's Guide To Cinema Parts 1, 2, & 3. Zizek did his usual thing, Lee thinks he's mad, and I am impressed with the way Sophie Fiennes put Zizek in the midst of the films he was referring to, i.e. the fruit basement from Psycho, the room where Neo takes the blue pill in The Matrix, in a boat on Bodega Bay from The Birds, the toilet from the fateful bathroom in The Conversation, on stage before a red curtain as per Silencio in Mulholland Drive, and Dorothy's room from Blue Velvet to name a few.
Scott Stephens stood down the front to introduce the film. Scott runs
Theology And Politics and has co-edited two select Zizek collections with Rex Butler for Continuum (
Interrogating The Real & The Universal Exception). Interesting things from Scott's small spiel:
- Zizek has an unusually large tongue, hence his lisp
- Zizek has unusually high spittle production
- Zizek spilt two servings of cider in Scott's lap while they were in a pub in Melbourne circa 2001.
Twenty minutes until legal saturnalia hits. Bill Macneil is presenting today,
how Fight Club resembles the Law. Although why the jurisprude would flee Herbert Hart's paradox to John Austin's paradox, only to return to Hart again remains just a little mysterious. Just Act.
In thesisy news, Doc sent me an email asking for "a finalization of your thesis chapter profiles so they become - by end of August - immutable." Little does he know that the evolution of the chapters is partly his doing, and had he not told me to add anything last time they would have this static, immutable character.