Friday night, the 2nd night of the flight from twenty-three to twenty-four

May 07, 2006 17:07

The Friday night began with cocktails at Aromas. This was taken by amabile sometime before my second martini. We can often be found at Aromas on a Friday evening around 5pm. Come find me and buy me a dry martini sometime if you want; the more the merrier.

After cocktails amabile, Sage, Scott, and I headed off in search of dinner before Fool for Love (FfL) at !Metro Arts. We had a sarky French/Italian waiter who confused our 'small' order for a 'medium' and proceeded to correct everything else we tried to say. FfL was a good show, though I wish some of the actors would be willing to take greater direction from Ant given there's so much of his money on the line.

The Context of the Vic

Anthony deep in thought with Katrina who eventually lost her voice by the night's end. Jay (aka Cybil) made a special trip just for Ant's show, but the guy is so homophobically heterosexual that we caught him very early on in the night holding his crotch for no apparent reason in clear view of everyone. What is with that? Castration complex maybe?

Sage shaved Scott's head that morning... And then immediately after that Scott had to go and get a mole removed. He took great delight in his appearance all evening. The experience overall was so surreal with this hodgepodge bunch of conservative misfits that I sent a text to amabile reading "oh god i'm at the vic!"

Sage with a pint, trying so very hard to keep up with me. Meg is trying to explain Shakespeare at this point. The conversation kept turning to Prospero's library to sate our bibliophilia.

Vini Vidi Vici

We landed in Caesar's at 2.30am and left around 4.30am. The thing I like about this place is everyone gets up and dances, even the bartenders who shake their collective booty on the bar. The other thing I like about this place is the social dynamics. Every woman in the room shares control of the male horde. I'll dig out the video I shot on my phone in here when I get to work tomorrow. In it you will be able to make out one girl in a red top and short white skirt dancing with four guys dressed in almost identical polo shirts, jeans, and sneakers.

The most concerning thing about Caesar's is the lack of mobile reception. My phone spent the whole time saying "Emerg Use Only" which I figure is just great in a place that is frequented by a variety of drunken Maori men, thin blonde hipsters, and a lovely gay guy called Manny who took care of me all night.

On the whole Friday was great fun, and I don't want to do it too often. The sleep deprivation alone left me grasping for vague straws of cogniscence the next day over lunch at the Coro. But bring it on if you must ;)

bday, everyday symbolic fiction, friends

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