Nov 19, 2004 16:33
george is such a dick....he says he can take me to this dodge ball game shit right. so then he calls me and tells me to be i get ready..cut up my shirt so it shows my stomach (a brand new shirt by the way)and then i walk to the front of my neighborhood so its easier for him to get me. then i call him to see if he is on his way, and guess what he says.......he cant come and get me cause he is already to close to the park that they are playing at. he made me look like a fucking idiot...i ran to the enterance of my neighborhood half naked with a fucking bandanna on my head. everyone was staring at me and a bus with a bunch of fag middle school kids were cursing at me...what a great start to the you know can go to fucking hell george borrerow...however you spell your fucking last name.