Jan 15, 2006 13:14
I had the lovely pleasure of meeting the young miss Yaten Kou-san at the cafe the other day. It seems to me there are a lot of individuals with a musical background gathering at Cross. I'm excited about it, I really am.
Yaten-san was very sweet, and informed me that she will be taking my class. I'm looking forward to having such a student. I wonder if she and Atobe-san will get along? This reminds me though, I need to get to work in handing out class assignments since the second semester has begun.
I had a pleasant and sweet talk later with Alphonse-san. He's such a dear lad. We just talked quietly in the common room for awhile. I enjoyed myself. I do hope he was able to rest easy though. Perhaps I'll call him later to see, or go and visit him. I truly hope he's able to overcome his troubles.
Unfortunately... a little after that... Sakuma-san called me while I was in my office. The silly man went and got himself so drunk I'm not sure he could tell up from down. ^_^; But that's alright. I was fortunately able to go and find him and bring him home. I wonder... what irresponsible lout took him out and allowed him to wander off in such a state? I'll find out. One way or another.
Ah... Lastly. Uesagi Mika-san, it seems you blew me off for lunch the other day ^_^; Perhaps we can reschedule it? If you're not too busy, dear. We still have so very much to catch up on.