well, well, well.......what do i say?

Apr 15, 2002 01:16

If you all have been wondering were I have been, its simple I have been hibernating b/c it was winter. So I have finally not been scared by my shadow and I have grown the balls to actually come out of it. I love this time of year b/c you can wear shorts and a t-shirt and have a nice breeze blow by. Does anybody hear me come on people everyone needs a little breeeze when they are sweating their balls off b/c it feels great. And another thing is that my birthday is in springtime as well, yes, yes, the great day when they bigamn rich was born. Oh what a day that was I bet my poor mother had to endore all that pain of pushing a small little 10lbs 8ozs out of her, well thats probably an equivalent to a massive shit wouldn't you say everyone? Now children don't you cry b/c big poppa is coming home before he shoves off to the Atlantic Culinary Academy. Thats right everybody I shall return home May 6th thru May 12th and I will have a grand old time having fun with my greatest friends that I have ever had. I miss my homeboys and homegirls b/c alls I wanna do is go big pimping spending cheese like Jay-Z always said. Its raining up here right now and how I love to fall asleep to the sound of the rain falling on the roof b/c it is so relaxing and its kinda like being with a special some one (you know who you are). Well thats all for now and oh of course like you all wanted its........VADERs FINAL THOUGHT: If gay bashing is for you goto Vermont b/c we all know there are plenty of them there! I'm just playing all you people that are gay I don't hate the gays I respect them. One of my friends is gay so I can't talk shit about them. But just don't come on to me and we are all set, am I clear? Thank You for reading the prom king's live journal please drive thru. Peace.
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