
Mar 05, 2005 09:09

Okay so last night I hung out with Kacz and Chuck. It was fun. I picked Chuck up, almost getting hit from behind because his dam street is like hidden. By the way, mapquest sucks, don't use it. Anyway, then Kacz called and gave us directions from Chuck's house to his house. We arrived at Kacz's and Kacz wanted to drive, and I wanted to see his new car. Kacz, I like it, espically the radio. We decided to go bowling and realize that once we get there, there is an hour wait, so Chuck puts his name down, and we left the bowling ally, going to somerset, even though it was 8:45 and the mall closed at 9. SO we walked around the mall a little bit and left, and as we were leaving, Katie calls and said to meet her at Starbucks after bowling. She was with Emily and Brain. Now I thought Brain was really Brian, thinking she just mean tthat, but its really Brianna! But anyway, we decided not to go, thinking that it would be close to curfew and we wouldn't make it home in time. SO we get to the bowling ally at 9:10 and as we are walking in, they called Chuck's name! It was perfect timing! SO we started to bowl and everything was fun. I don't even remeber the scores, I just know they weren't that good. The people behind us or next to us on the left side were drinking and pretty cool, having a good time. Hahaha the lady in the pink was hot! Once they left, it was glow bowling. I never did glowbowling before, it was pretty cool. But then, as Chuck got up to bowl, the lady on the right side of us bitched at Chuck for not waiting for her while she was bowling and that he ruined her concentration. WHAT A BITCH! HOW COULD YOU RUIN HER CONCENTRATION WHEN THERE ARE LIGHTS FLASHING IN YOUR EYES, THE MUSIC IS FULL BLAST, AND IT IS DARK! PLUS, THE FUNNY THING IS CHUCK GOT UP TO BOWL RIGHT AFTER SHE THREW THE BALL! Anyway, so we continued bowling having a fun time and dancing to the music. I think the bitch redneck lady and her group were waiting for us to finish our game becaus ehtye weren't bowling and they kept looking at our screen. Once we were done, we still had another game left! I heard the lady say "Oh my god!" Then as we continued to bowl and into our 2nd frame, right after I bowled, this red neck guy comes up to us and gathers us right around eachother and says: "Do you know what bowler respect is?" We say No. He says "IT'S WHEN YOU FUCKEN RESPECT THE BOWLER NEXT TO YOU! YOUR SUPPOSED TO WAIT UNTIL WERE FUCKING DONE BOWLING UNTIL YOU GET UP TO BOWL! YOUR SUPPOSED TO RESPECT THE DAM BOWLERS TWO LANES AWAY FROM YOU!I CAME OUT HERE TO ENJOY MY FUCKEN WEEKEND AND BOWL AND YOU GUYS ARE BEING SMARTASSES AND NOT BEING RESPECTFUL!" As he gets up and walks away he mumbles "TELL THAT TO YOUR PUNK FRIEND IN THE MIDDLE!" That was Chuck he was talking to. So Chuck decides to follow the guy and talk to him. Chuck says (I think)"We're sorry, but what exactly did we do?" and the guy yells at Chuck "YOU'RE A SMART ASS! YOU PICKED THE WRONG GUY TO MISS WITH! I'M A TROY COP! I'LL GET ALL THE TROY COPS TOGETHER AND WE WILL FUCK YOUR ASS UP!" Chuck looked frightened and I think we were all a little frightened because I mean, he was a redneck, with a beastly, beefy wife. CHUCK JUST WAS RESPECTFUL TO HIM AND ASKED WHAT WE DID! THE GUY SPAZZED OUT AND YELLED AT US! WHAT A FREAK! Anyway, we got all our stuff, went to the manager of the bowling ally and had him talk to the guy, and we got switched to a lane far away from that bastard. I think he was just trying to blame his bad game on us. Besides, he pry lived in the semi truck in the parking lot, with about 10 other of his relatives. He definately was not a cop, but I mean, I fell so helpless, that we couldn't stand up for ourselves! WE BARELY DID ANYTHING WRONG! EVEN IF WE DID, HE COULD HAVE CONFRONTED US IN A MORE RESPECTFUL MANNER, EXPLAINING TO US WHAT TO DO RIGHT! What a bitch, he caused us to waste half of our game cause we had to get going home. Chuck you seemed depressed and upset about last night, I'm sorry for what happened. I guess we have to learn that many people in this world our jerks and they don't know how to treat others. We should just shrug it off our shoulders. I know you think that may be a bad excuse, just forgetting about the act like that, but I mean, people in this world are bastards and there is nothing we can do about it.

I'm out,

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