Oct 27, 2004 01:19
Why do we hate ourselves? Why do women get together for support and spend the whole time complaining about their bodies? Myself and some friends went to the sauna tonight to have some girl time but all we seemed to talk about was our figures and who's thighs were bigger. Why do we do that to ourselves? I am not innocent of this by any means but it still drives me crazy. Seven intellegent, beautiful, creative young women and all we talk about is what we don't like our bodies. We are each other's support network but all we seem to do is try to convince each other that we are beautiful. Now, I know that my one livejournal entry is probably not going to change anyone's mind about their body and the real problem lies deeper in our culture than I can reach, I would still like to say that you are beautiful, big thighs, saggy boobs, love handles, strech marks and all. Love yourself; if you dont no one else can. And please please remember, love your body; every inch of it.