To all that are reading this transmission, my name is Mabel and I am terribly sorry. It truly was not in my interest to kill every single member of your most powerful and expensive space research vessels also known as the Pergamum. I fear that my sanity has evaded me without leaving a note. I know that murder is wrong and should be punished by execution so I will do that myself, here in this ship where so many other murders have taken place. No trial would convict me otherwise so I might as well do it here and get it over with. I do not wish to be an infamous serial killer, so I will give you a complete explanation of my experiences in this ship.
Since this is a research vessel, we do a lot of classified research, but I believe none of that matters now. Our goal was to seek out the cause of Neptune’s internal heat source, as we all know it outputs more than twice as much heat as it gets from the sun. The best way to do this was to send a probe into Neptune to retrieve some of its chemicals and do a close up analysis of the planets inner structure. It then returned to the Pergamun and science team A was sent to do tests on the chemicals it retrieved. Everything seems to be going well so far.
Suddenly the Pergamun’s onboard computer gave me a startling message. I could not believe my eyes at first when I read it, but it said that the crew and I were in grave danger. The computer said that the radiation emitting from the chemicals is not normal at all. The probes research while on Neptune stated that the radiation had strange effects on electricity and how it behaves. This is quite odd because there seems no way radiation could do that. Pergamun told me that this unknown radiation will have disastrous effects on the human brain and body. The calculations stated there is a chance of the mind completely losing control due to the neurons functioning improperly. If a subject were to fall victim of this radiation their aggression would increase dramatically and their body would not function as normal. No data could be retrieved as to how long this process would take, so Pergamun gave me a set of procedures to efficiently eliminate this problem.
The first was to quarantine the individuals that were subject to the most radiation. I found this to be a pretty good idea, but the second procedure was the one that bugged me. I was to modify one of the probes to be able to navigate through the ship rather than space. That wasn’t all; I was also instructed to arm the probe with anti personnel weaponry that could be used to effectively eliminate any crewmember subject to the side affects from the radiation. I found this a bit disturbing, but computers and their crazy ideas have gotten us this far, so who am I to question a machine. As I was getting ready to start modifications on the probe, Pergamun issued me a secondary procedure. This procedure was even stranger than the last. I was to also modify the probes engine to power itself by using the chemicals it brought back from Neptune. Apparently Pergamun thought it would prove our mission was a success by using Neptune’s gasses as an energy source thus solving two problems at once. After I wrote a nifty build program, about a week later the probe was finished and out and about.