Into a Burning Truck

Aug 10, 2009 15:25

I weird and dramatic day today and will probably stick in my mind for some time, also the first full day of rain for a few months.

Things started out ok, typical Monday and left work for Lunch like I usually do.. On my way back I came across a full size Chevy pickup 4-ways flashing and quickly realized the cab just started to catch fire as minor flames and some smoke became visable through the top of the drivers side window (down 3"), as I drove past I couldn't see anyone inside the vehicle being full of black smoke and decided to pull over and run up to check.. Seeing nobody inside or around the vehicle other then some retard filming with his iPhone I backed off.

I quickly walked past the rear of the truck to safety and as I turned back to see the drivers window blow out, was shocked to see two dog kennels in the back.. Alot of things went through my mind at that moment, I quickly asked the guy "omg are there dog in there?" he didn't know so I ran back to the burning truck and jumped in the back to check.. There was some other junk in the way tossing it aside and looked into the kennels to see no dogs (thankfuly) and quickly jumped out and ran from the truck as the wiring shorted sounding the horn and engine tried to start, seconds later the back window blew out and kennels were on fire.

I turned my attention to the powerlines above the truck and yelled at people gathering to look up and back away, people started freaking out seeing the kennels and told them they were empty. The women driving the truck finally returned after calling the fire dept. from a local business and said the dash caught fire and she had just dropped off the two dogs minutes before.

I'm glad and thankful nothing bad became of this day, I have a very emotional connection to canines and risked my life. I couldn't bare with the thought of doing nothing if animals were in there. My nerves are still shot.
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