nick your nomal, everyone has there promblems w/ somthin. there r lots of peopel who can't run or fix cars for shit. 2 things r u very good at. so u might have dexlexia, that does not make u "abnormal". not to me, or your other friends. maybe if u r someone can figure out a way to help u so that u can learn math better. well good luck w/ all that. ttyl.
Dyslexia is nothing to be ashamed of. There are lots of kids who have it. If you do have it there are ways to help it. Nobody is normal, we all have something about oursleves that we don't like. Dyslexic or not, I still love you and always will no matter how abnormal you think you are.
I'm sure if it exisit that your only dyslexic in math. If you need help i'll gladly help you out, i have Steven's 4th hour so i'll understand how he taught it to you. And seriously dont be afraid to ask me!
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<3 Sara
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