Feb 27, 2006 21:47
Ok, so today-
no, lets start with yesterday.
yesterday was sunday for all of you that didnt know. It was also Great Gramma's viewing
(thats how she always spelled Grandma, G R A M M A)
It was from 2:30-9:00. it was family only from 2:30-3:00. We all paid our respects and hung out and waited for the family and friends to come. I still dont know how so many people found out about it.. there were a lot of people that went. We went and got chinese food at the China Wok at liek 7:00. I think that we thoroughly offended every person in there and everyone that walked in... it must be a family trait. After we ate, my cousin SaraH with an H set a picture of Stickel's ex gf on fire, took a pic of it and sent it to her lol.
We went back to the funeral home. I called Sara to talk to her for a few minutes. She said she wanted to go but her dad wasnt home. I offered to pick her up if she really wanted to go, and she said yes. So i picked her up, and went back to Kaul's. At that time we had a prayer ceremony. Sara actually sang :) it was nice.
I would like to thank :
Sara------- ps sorry about my family. :p
Amanda K
Amanda B
Julia V
for visiting me at the viewing. It means a lot to me that I have friends that are there for me, and will do such a thing like that. Thanks- love you all.
yesterday night
We all went back to my house after the viewing and hung out there for an hr or so. I picked up pizza and dropped off Sara at 9:30 cause she had school today :-p After that we ate the pizza and went to Milenbach.
While there, we watched the Family guy (surprise surprise) and drank "pop". Durring the "pop" drinking process, we decided to beat the shit out of the tile in the bathroom. It has to come out anyways, so what better wat then with a hammer when you arent really all together? It was funny to watch. Earlier this week we started a fire in the toilet. Why you may ask ? all to kill a damn bee. yeah
Today was Gramma's funeral. We had a church service for her at St Germaines's at 10:00. It was a nice mass and a nice church.(my grandmas church)Kris, Peter, Sarah and I were the paulbearers (spelling?) So we walked the casket from the church to the hurse. yeah, it was pretty emotional- having to load your own grandma into a hurse. We got to Sacred Heart's where she is to be burried. there was a prayer of last rights there and we went out to eat at Demitris on Gratiot and 15.
it was interesting. While there Sara told us that these two chicks were our grandmas lezbo neighbors. We found out later that it wasnt true cause shes our great aunt or something. But my grandma really does have lezbo neighbors. There were some really big perinhas at the restaurant. They were liek 1 1/2 feet long it was crazy.
We left there, I went to school to pick up some stuff out of my locker to type my paper for mr hubbard. saw Sara, Will, Allison, Philips and Jessica. I had to wait til the end of the day to see Sara :( Everybody asked why iw as wearing a suit and i got tired of it after a while. I just simply told them i was italian and walked away. I should wear a suit to school more often. I walked thru the freshmen hallway with a look on my face liek i was gonna kill some one. They all moved out of my way- it was liek parting the seas and i was moses. It was cool.
I went to my grandmas to see them for liek 30 mins with the rest of the family. I went to class, and now im back here. I am going to go call my beautiful girlfriend Sara now, so i will ttyl.