I've been inducted into
Phi Theta Kappa!
So what happens now? One, I gotta maintain a 3.0 cumulative. Two, I gotta be "active."....bleh, I'll try, but....yeah XD The induction ceromony is next Thursday night. Photos? Meeeeeeeebbe.
I must admit, I'm still surprised that I would even be considered for this. I did find out that I got invited because I got a 3.5 GPA last semester o.O ....come on, the classes were ridiculously easy. Well...except computer science (HATEHATEHATEHATE@_@). How I passed that class is beyond me. This may come across as modest (which is out of character for me), but it really is legitimate shock o_o I may be arrogant, and egotistical, but I do have my pride, and I don't like taking shortcuts to achieve something as big as this.
...then again....it may have been easy for me, but not easy for others. Especially in the English classes. I mean, like last semester, I have the highest grade in my class right now. I'll even take it a step further, last time I checked, I'm the ONLY one in that class with an A. Seriously. At least in my last class (which was a developmental class BTW), there were a few A's. But I honestly did not see any other A's in my current english classes grade book x_X Phi Theta Kappa's inivation said only a handful of students get this opportunity. But writing all this makes me wonder if "handful" is the best way to describe the amount of students on campus that actually take their academics seriously.
The bottom line is that I am thrilled to have this opportunity. I believe it will open a lot of new opportunities for me, and help me achieve things that others would probably kill to have. I look forward to what this will offer me in the long run.
We're going to Longview tomorrow. We may have found an apartment to move in. Might being the key word. So far, it sounds like the apartment we lived in back in Littleton, where it was located right in the middle of town. Bitchin'. If this all goes through, we'll be moving May 5th, which is smack dab at the end of this semester. So...busy times ahead. I still intend to put up the remaining Project R videos (three more to go, with one to be uploaded soon), but it will be a bit hectic. Moving? I'm used to it, but it isn't the smoothest/funnest thing to do @.@ But it does give me a chance to show off my strength ;D My most favorite accomplishment in moving to the house we live in right now was carrying a couch from the parking area to the living room on my own, without relying on ANYTHING. Mwahahahahaha I r strong.
Oh, and it's moments like these that make me wish the random thread in the KAF was up, cause I wanted to post this that made me laugh.
It's mainly to amuse Meg XD
SO MEG! READ IT, AND LAUGH! Okie, time for me to go brag about my induction to Mom.