Seriously, NO ONE EVER calls me back after handing em job applications. Except in THIS case.
The Columbine Public Library.
I think I blew my shot at Target for "selling myself too much" in the interview, so I'm going to tone my interview skills. Oh, and organize books and shelve things.
x.x Damn, I REALLY hope I get this. We need the money =/ One way, or another, and not through bank robbing (=P @ Darci).
qsuzie1220, if you're reading this, I really do plan on taping the WWE Homecoming edition of Raw for you...you know, since YOU MISS RAW SO MUCH. It takes place 2 weeks from tonight. 3 hour event. And I refuse to plug it, and make it seem like a special thing because Raw is "okay at best" as one of my friends put it so wonderfully. If you wanna plug this edition of Raw for Jenny(the one in 2 weeks), do so in an LJ comment...you Raw freaks.
Okay, I'm out.
Oh PS.
seris!!! Yeah, I'm talking to you. I have one question....WHY do people love Crono so much?!(go to gamefaqs.com for the poll that begged this question >>;)