Bigger and better things await.

May 31, 2006 01:07

I have a feeling that the 26th National Super Quiz Bee was just the beginning... of everything. But as it is, where I am now, it seems that those things are still far away... but who else can I blame but my own inaction for these things? I've got a lot of dreams... (who doesn't?) ergo, I've felt like that singing buffoon Sam Milby... but I digress. "May I never be complete," goes the Fight Club manifesto. Maybe I'll just concentrate on one dream at a time, as people tell me. Small dreams first before big ones. And one dream I have... is to make someone over... I owe it to him. You know why?

I see myself when I was in high school in him. Ergo, I feel obligated to act as support and sometimes chide him whenever I sense him getting into an emotional rut. Why? I've been in those ruts and believe me, being an emo-Simple Plan-Linkin Park-Uchiha Sasuke reject is not a fricking walk in the park. (Believe me, I've been there before. Go read my previous entries if you don't believe me.) pyreth, that's precisely why I lent you Body Transfer and why I post derogatory comments on your emo entries. As Kitano Jun in Darling put it... "Porn is... the spirit of man... yes, the spirit of man! THE SPIRIT... OF MAN!" (insert crashing waves and volcanoes sfx)

(And you KNOW that it's more acceptable for a guy to be a pr0n fiend and/or lolicon than a fur fiend... something to learn everyday! Not that I want to remove it, but to... sublimate it. Take Veterinary Medicine or something. Channel it in other ways.)

Back to the topic: Even though some of my efforts were in vain, it was worth trying. I read in some book that even if someone you warn does not heed your warning, you get points just for giving said warning. But it's not points I'm after, really, or karma, or whatever. Seeing a friend get his heart wrung like a Good Morning towel without me doing anything about it isn't right.

Some snippets on my advice: Break up with her! A self-inflicted wound hurts less. Understand this: even if you end up together, you will end up hating her for making you wait when you could have been out balling and not giving a care. And if you don't end up together, you'll hurt too. Either way, (insert Gene Wilder impersonation here) SO YOU GET NOTHING! YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY, SIR! (

Plus, this advice was dispensed after October 22, 2005, so I have personal firsthand experience on how one's heart is totaled at a mere whim. (Check pyreth's series of posts about that relationship quandary, then tell me if he did take my advice.)

Prescription? Quit with the PAFCON schtick. All that fur stuff tends to take your eye away from the real deal, which (I can't brag about) is supposed to be so much better.

On a more somber note, it's been seven months since the evil Martin was awakened. Seven months... it feels like it was only yesterday that I received that infamous Friendster message... It IS true that I lived from day to day before... but now I live day by day trying to prevent despair from overtaking me, and the evil Martin doing something to my eternal regret. There's a saying that "what does not kill you makes you stronger"... but this thing has come very, very close to killing me (or driving me to kill others) a couple of times already, so I'm wondering when I'll shake this off. Maybe when that happens I'll be strong enough.

By the way, something like this also happened to a close associate of mine... she was in a relationship in high school, college drove them apart, they pursued separate lives, until my associate's S.O. (significant other)... sends her a wedding invite.

(If you do not notice the similarity or haven't read my earlier posts, substitue "her" with "him", and "wedding" with "baptism" and you'll get my situation.)

On that note, my associate took many years to get out of the emotional rut some bastard put her through. Makes me wonder how long I'll dig myself out of mine... and how I'm going to run that little bitch through when I see her... (Oops, dark side talking.) I mean, this was a long time ago, and I'm wondering, I hope my case does not take a long time! Geez, I don't want it to come to my niece/s and/or nephew/s setting me up with his/her/their teacher, for the love of Tomoyo Daidouji's lesbian overtones!

Even without someone to watch over, I think this semester will be a good one. I can count on it... I've grown up a little, and maybe a bit more once I take care of business... that should've been taken care of from the start.

On a lighter note, I still love playing Freestyle Online. But that will have to be done sparingly and when all of this is done.

And since I'm still in school for one more semester I can still fulfill my promise to myself: get laid before finishing college! ;)

Man, I can't wait until this is all over. Hopefully this thought will empower me through all the hard work that needs to be done. And... (does the Good Guy Pose) I WILL finish college and start working on my dream.

pyreth, even though you are no longer part of the Siena community, know that if you ever need B33R, pr0n, warez, or general advice on how to kick or start shit, you can always count on me. Plus, I've been through relationship hell and other shit... so my experiece counts for something, doesn't it? ...You will be missed.

Here's to bigger, better, and more loli in teh future. This is Jan Martin Batoy, until next time...

Backtracking... when I was a student teacher, I was monitoring this 1st year high school class, and this certain lolita just charmed the socks off me. (Thankfully, nobody noticed.) It's all done and finished now, but it's ok. (Haha, and here people say teaching is boring stuff! Naah! Teaching brings me closer to very attractive ogle-worthy lolitas even more than you can ever dream of! Nyahahahahahaha!)

(What, you think I'll do something more besides ogling? Dream on! Enjo kosai isn't practiced in this part of the world, perv-o! Besides, I don't want to get arrested!)

ytmnd, teaching, work, life, loli, hentai

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