May 04, 2005 15:28
In case you didn't know it's national PMS day, Thats permenent-menstrual syndrome, I didn't know either but Ms. Jamieson and Mrs. McNeish were on the offensive today. *sigh. I wish there was a National Slap Your PMSing Teachers Day.
Went to Burger King and it looks like I'm getting hired. He didn't say those words, like "You're hired" but he told me what I'll be needing for a meeting next week. I need a Food Handeler's Card, some black work shoes and some black pants. AND I DONT HAVE TO CUT OR DYE MY HAIR WEeeeeeEEeeEEeeeeEeee Hu-Rah!
Haha Hu-Ra is fun to say IRL.
left eye spins in circles, passives line the rail. they get no satisfaction from the electro-static breaks. a beat can't cut the passives loose they're afraid what we will say. no harm is done when you try it then hide. parts moving - keep moving. a cool collected life is a safe move... you heard that. you're unsure but its clear to us. come to terms, you're alone here observing. every time you go out you observe. walk past collared passives. don't look toward their eyes. it adds to their discomfort, shows there's some confidence they miss.