Apr 23, 2005 16:24
I'm on the island visiting my parents today. Damn... there never was a more beautiful place than Bainbridge Island. But I can't escape from nostaliga sitting in my mom's car on a beautiful day like today. The last time I was here I took the ferry over with a guy from highschool named Spencer who was friends with a guy I would, on and off, be enfatuated with named Chad. I asked how he was and Spencer said not only Chad, but a good majority of people from our highschool got into crack in a bad way, away at college.
There was a woman at Elle's work that told her she moved to Bainbridge to raise her child.
"Watch out, there are a lot of drugs there" said Elle.
"I've heard that but I think it's just a rumor." said the woman... she couldn't be more wrong. There isn't a single thing to do on the island except party and now all the kids are moving out- despite still being in school, to party in Seattle. These kids grow up to fast and get so lost. I'm thankful that I was forced to take my time with moving out.
Anyway, my job is good, apartment is good, friends are good. My love life is dead- but oh well. There's a bar downtown called the Twilight Martini lounge that Elle and I go to and it makes us feel like celebrities... the kind of attention we get is amazing. Because of this and the occasional getting asked for my number- I feel like I don't need to really worry about getting a boyfriend right now. The only down side is that Elle is kind of dating (older men) now and it'll leave me in the dust. It's tough when the person you're being single with finds someone.
I'm going to Portland to visit my birth family next weekend but for some reason I'm not that excited. I'm sure it will be nice when I get there. Anyhow... here is where I say 'goodbye'!