Apr 29, 2005 16:41
I'm really stressed right now. I have a HUGE project due on monday that basically I just started this week. I'm incredibly screwed. If I fail this I don't graduate. That really sucks.
I got a letter from clark on the 24th I believe. I just got around to writing him back today. It was an interesting letter. It sounds like he is adjusting well. He loves the language, so thats good. He said that he's picking up fairly well too. I can't believe that I'm going to have to get used to letters being my contact with him for 2 years. I was in tears the other night, so I picked up the phone to call him, then I remembered that he was gone. It kinda sucked. I'm soo proud of him though. I'm glad he's there, I know he's there, but a part of me just thinks he's on vacation and just a phone call away. Yeah, he's not.
Steven and I are "dating" now. I've been so set against dating anyone because of college, but I just can't help it. I told him that I can't promise him anything outside of this summer, and he said that was okay. I hope that he's not thinking that I'm going to change my mind when I leave, but I don't really think that it's fair to either one of us. I don't want to put him where I was when Clark left. Plus, I have no faith in long distant relationships anymore. Yeah, he flat out told me that he hated Clark for that. I can't say that I blame him, but that isn't the only reason...
Well I have to work, I'm training tonight, which means that I wont get out of there until 1 or so. Then I think I'm going to hang out with Steven for a little while, and then I'm coming home and scrapbooking for the rest of the night and the whole day until I got into work again. Man, this weekend is going to rock hard.