OK yeah So

Apr 19, 2004 21:46

I had to work today without the help of my ninja buddies. And I had to work with Granny Panties.AAAAAAAHHHFFFAAAATAAAATTTTTTAAAAYYYYAAAUUUUAAAAIIIAAAAKKKKAAAZZZAAAXXXAAACCCCAAAVVVAAANNNAAAMMMAAAAAKKK. It was so sick you could see her panties through her pants and I was like BLEAH. I called John a Jackass and a Bastard just for my friend Monizzle!!!. Ok I can't type worth shit. If I was to type the way I have been it would look like this----->Hello My name is Nicholas Benjamin Alvers. My initials are N.B.A. isn't that neat? Plus, my birthday is June the 2nd.------>But I really meant to type this--->Wat up G bitch my nizzzame is N to the I to the C to the Kizzay. And you better be getting me something for my birthday or I'm gonna pop a cap in your ass. NIGGA WHAT. I had mickey d's for breakfast mmmmmmm the Andizzle called and asked if i wanted to go and i said that i already had mickey d's to which he replied, "Fucker". Look at this--------------------------------------------->QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQwErTyUiOpAsDfGhJkLzXcVbNm.
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