Dec 28, 2005 08:27
The Year 2005:
[P E O P L E]
1. BFFS? lauren..other people haha
2. Lost any friends? uuhh not really kind of. but thats because they were mean haha
3. Gained any friends? yeah
4. Met a new good friend? yup
[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? well NEWFOUNDLAND haha :) & Toronto & Vancouver
2. Moved? no
3. New school? no
4. How many times on an airplane? seattle-toronto. toronto-newfie. newfie-toronto. toronto-home! w/ the choir girls.
5. Road trips? chicago to springfield haha
[Y O U]
1. Have you changed? definately
2. New look? new hair..
3. Any new addictions? um paninis haha & vitamin water
4. Biggest conflict this year? err i dunno
5. Most depressed time this year? um i dunno i feel hella low now.
[S E A S O N S]
1. Favorite Season? summer
2. Least favorite season? fall
3. Good birthday? yup.
4. Any snow this year? a little
[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]
Snuck out- not really
Meet a person who will change your life- sure?
Kept your resolution- i forgot what mine was or if i even had one. but i do this year.
Got arrested- no
Had a first something- sure?
Drank Alcohol- yeah
Smoked weed/drugs- tried it hated it.
Did anything illegal- sure..
Had a crush on someone- duh .
Liked someone who didn't like you- yeah
Lost a family member- um no?
Got bad grades- kinda not really
Got suspended- no
Moved states- no. went to another state yes.
Got a myspace- had it already?
Learned an instrument- sorda
Started a band- no
Spent over 1 million dollars- no
Kept a secret- ofcourse
Done something you totally regret- YEAH .
Changed your view on things- YEAH .