(no subject)

Mar 15, 2012 12:04

A couple of things I'm curious about before pre-AC next week.

1- We know that with the current game speed, it isn't easy to think of a post. So why not add in an all-thread option? This would consist of more then 5 comments, possibly around 15 or so, with the option to split them between threads.

Of course, we won't go and add it without your guys' say! SO WE HAVE A POLL. (That I got excited with.)


2. Just generally, what are your guys' thoughts of changing up apps a bit? :|a As in, instead of writing out the background for OU characters (which we know is a pain in the ass), we give the option to link to a character wikia? Naturally this would apply to only OU characters, we'd still ask for written backgrounds for AUs, game history(ies), and OCs.

So! Thoughts! We wants to see them, pleeease.

*mod post

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