(no subject)

Nov 29, 2011 16:55

Revised on 05.29.11

applications are closed!

Welcome! In order to apply for a character at Niteo Nix, fill out the form below and comment! Please be mindful of our rules before hand, and know that, when you apply, you are accepting these rules, have read our FAQs, and will play by them. If you're unsure of who you can apply for, check out the taken list and reserves to see who is available to play. If you're still unsure, try peeking at the wishlist to see if it gives you any ideas.

All comments are screened, and because of such, you can't comment directly to any one comment unless it is unscreened. You can either submit your application by making a new comment with each part, or simply link it, or even shoot us an e-mail if you'd like. If you link it, however, do not make any changes to the entry until it has been read by the mods and they've made a decision. If you e-mail it, leave us a note here so that we know.

Applications are usually done as they come in, but please understand that the moderators do have lives and they will get to the application as soon as possible.

Any and all applications before submitting them, please.
Includes grammar, spelling, and formatting.


contact information

Name/Handle: What is it you wish to go back in Niteo?

Contact: Some kind of way that we can get a hold of you should there be something that needs to be addressed privately. Should you not want to give out your contact info, we will contact you via PM, just please tell us the journal you wish to contact you through.

Personal LJ: Your personal LiveJournal. Call it placing a name with a face, if you will.

application information

Name: What is the name of the character?

Series: Where does the character come from?

Canon: Is the character OU or AU? Original Characters don't need to fill this section out.

Age: How old is the character?

Timeline: Where is the character being taken from? Original Characters don't need to fill this section out.

World Information: (Original Characters only, Alternate Characters optional.) What's the world like? How does it work?

History: Include a history of the character from either prior to series introduction (such as birth) up until where they're being pulled from. There isn't any need to be overly wordy, just let us know that you know the character and important events in their life that shapes them into who they are. Go ahead and assume that the moderators don't know the canon as well, and provide important details and other events as well.

For characters that are AU, please be sure to designate where the character deviates from canon, or include previous game history here as well.

Personality: What is the character like? Be as thorough as you want; tell us changes the character's gone through, such as their quirks, what they like and what they don't, pet peeves, etc. Any game development would also go here if the character is being brought in with imported game history. Tell us how the character thinks, how they work. Why?

Abilities/Additional Notes: What is your character capable of? What can they do in their canon, what did they learn in other games? Also feel free to use this section to leave us any important notes about the character here.


Third-Person Sample: A sample to show us exactly how well you know your character. This is generally prose in third-person narrative with either a past or present tense. Show us exactly how you intend to play your character.

First-Person Sample Journal Post: This is a sample journal post to the network. It can be text, voice, or video, and may also be an accidental post to the network as well. This can generally also be used as a first post in the game, but it has to convey the character's voice, and needs to be of decent length. Network posts are genetally from the character's persepective and need to be written as such.


Name/Handle: (What you wish us to call you)
Contact: (Some kind of way that we can get a hold of you should there be something that needs to be addressed privately. Should you not want to give out your contact info, we will contact you via PM, just please tell us the journal you wish to contact you through.)
Personal LJ: (Your personal LJ)

Name: (Name of the character you’re applying)
Series: (Where the character comes from)
Canon: (Is the character OU or AU?)
Age: (How old is the character?)
Timeline: (Where is the character being taken from?)
History: (Please include a history of the character, and don’t hesitate to make it long and wordy! You need to assume that the moderators do not know the series and provide as many details and important events in the character’s life as possible.)

Personality: (What is the character like? This section needs to be at least one paragraph.)

Abilities/Additional Notes: (What is your character capable of? What can they do in their canon? Also feel free to use this section to leave us any important notes about the character here.)

Third-Person Sample: (A sample to show us exactly how well you know your character. Think of it as a sample for the logs community.)

First-Person Sample Journal Post: (This is a sample journal post to the network. It can be text, voice, or video, and may also be an accidental post to the network as well.)


Name/Handle: (What you wish us to call you)
Contact: (Some kind of way that we can get a hold of you should there be something that needs to be addressed privately. Should you not want to give out your contact info, we will contact you via PM, just please tell us the journal you wish to contact you through.)
Personal LJ: (Your personal LJ)

Name: (Name of the character you’re applying)
Series: (Where the character comes from)
Canon: (Is the character OU or AU?)
Age: (How old is the character?)
Timeline: (Where is the character being taken from?)
World Information: ((optional) What's the world like? How does it work?)
History: (Please include a history of the character, and don’t hesitate to make it long and wordy! You need to assume that the moderators do not know the series and provide as many details and important events in the character’s life as possible.)

Personality: (What is the character like? This section needs to be at least one paragraph.)

Abilities/Additional Notes: (What is your character capable of? What can they do in their canon? Also feel free to use this section to leave us any important notes about the character here.)

Third-Person Sample: (A sample to show us exactly how well you know your character. Think of it as a sample for the logs community.)

First-Person Sample Journal Post: (This is a sample journal post to the network. It can be text, voice, or video, and may also be an accidental post to the network as well.)


Name/Handle: (What you wish us to call you)
Contact: (Some kind of way that we can get a hold of you should there be something that needs to be addressed privately. Should you not want to give out your contact info, we will contact you via PM, just please tell us the journal you wish to contact you through.)
Personal LJ: (Your personal LJ)

Name: (Name of the character you’re applying)
Age: (How old is the character?)
World Information: (What's the world like? How does it work?)
History: (Please include a history of the character, and don’t hesitate to make it long and wordy! You need to assume that the moderators do not know the series and provide as many details and important events in the character’s life as possible.)

Personality: (What is the character like? This section needs to be at least one paragraph.)

Abilities/Additional Notes: (What is your character capable of? What can they do in their canon? Also feel free to use this section to leave us any important notes about the character here.)

Third-Person Sample: (A sample to show us exactly how well you know your character. Think of it as a sample for the logs community.)

First-Person Sample Journal Post: (This is a sample journal post to the network. It can be text, voice, or video, and may also be an accidental post to the network as well.)

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