Characters: Okumura Yukio and ANYONE
When: Meh, why not today.
Where: A little ways off from the apartment building
Rating: PG, probably?
Summary: Yukio's been having a hard time, and he's looking for some alone time. You're not going to let him get away with that, are you?
It had been days since he'd confirmed the disappearance of Fujimoto Shiro. More than a week, actually. Probably more. It was difficult to keep track of the days in Nesreca, where each twenty-four hour perioud was composed just of eating (when Rin reminded him), sleeping (when he was very, very lucky), and constantly foraging for supplies that rarely appeared. But he had to do something to keep himself busy.
It had been easier at home, the loss of his father. He had his job teaching to distract him, his missions, the pain less acute with all the distractions their world provided... but all he had here was Rin and the constant reminder that they were, once again, on their own.
He'd settled himself a ways from the apartment building, loading one of his gun with practiced, almost automatic motions. There would be no danger of ricochet. Not here, not now.
Gunfire rang out shortly after, the loud cracks permeating the air at even intervals as smears of white powder from his specially prepared blanks peppered the nearby concrete wall. It was theraputic, and he was long overdue for some proper target practice.