Edge of the Storm

Jun 08, 2008 19:22

Edge of the Storm, originally uploaded by NiteMayr.

Didn’t make a connection with Lynnette this weekend to get a shoot done; by the time we were both free to do anything (she was working, I was babysitting) we had other commitments. We’re going to have to plan this out some.

It stormed in Kincardine when we arrived, it has stormed here in London and I lost power.

Losing power reminded me that I have a UPS on hand to deal with storms. I installed it and took the opportunity to plug in my USB hub finally and cleared some of the wire clutter from the front of my desk.

I think in the end I might get large prints made online again, with smaller or instant prints done “wherever is closest and cheapest”.
Crossposted from: http://blog.nitemayr.com/2008/06/08/edge-of-the-storm/

random stuff

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