He's Dead. Don't Worry.
Ronald Reagan’s acting career hit a lull in the late 1940s. Despite parts in minor films such as The Voice of the Turtle and That Hagen Girl, he became increasingly preoccupied with his more important role during Hollywood’s “Red Scare” as head of the Screen Actors Guild. It was revealed last week that the future President played another role as well: as a secret FBI informant, code name T-10. According to an article published in the San Jose Mercury News, documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act indicate that Reagan and his first wife, Actress Jane Wyman, provided federal agents with the names of actors they believed were Communist sympathizers.
American Notes Hollywood Reagan was
no friend to the Common Man, Classist and a turncoat. Ronald Reagan could not resist the chance to take credit for
other peoples efforts. However; I’m not writing about Ronald here; I relish the chance to take a bottle of piss to his grave any day now; but oinly after my Thatcher, Bush I and Bush II urine around the world tour sometime int he next 20 years.
Instead; I wanted to note the sycophantic bleating of one of his supporters:
• Posted:
• Commented on Ronald Reagan was a secret FBI anti-commie snitch
All of your parents likely voted for Reagan. Tough pill to swallow for people that so hate “what Reagan did to this country”, eh?…
• Commented on Ronald Reagan was a secret FBI anti-commie snitch
Reagan, like the rest of the world knew next to nothing about AIDS in the early 80s. To slag him off for inaction on something that no one fully understood at that time is silly. So we’re blaming Reagan for terrorists killing marines in Beirut? Should we blame WTC employers for the deaths of their employees on 9/11? That’s preposterous….
• Commented on Ronald Reagan was a secret FBI anti-commie snitch
and what might that be #34? Reagan not only won the presidency in ‘80 and ‘84 but it was damn-near unanimous. To see people take potshots at a dead president who was nationally and internationally revered pisses me off. Do you know how many streets are named after Reagan in Eastern Bloc countries that suffered under Communist rule? Reagan wasn’t perfect…but he did more in his 8 years at the helm than any president in the last 50. That’s virtually undebatable….
• Commented on Ronald Reagan was a secret FBI anti-commie snitch
#25 “Reagan saved the world from nothing.” So winning the Cold War, saving U.S. Hostages in Beirut and saving the U.S. economy don’t do it for you? I’m sure I could name more……
• Commented on Ronald Reagan was a secret FBI anti-commie snitch
Reagan was the best president we’ve had in the last 50 years. And yes, I stand by that statement….
• Commented on London cops beating the shit out of peaceful G20 demonstrators
For people commenting that the “police were pushing more”…uh, what’s the cop to protester ratio here? Would I have to push harder to fend off 5 guys than they would to advance on me?…
• Commented on London cops beating the shit out of peaceful G20 demonstrators
Ok…so maybe I’m the dense one but if I was in a pack of about 20 with my back against a wall and I was being pushed/advanced upon by literally hundreds if not thousands of people…I would probably push back-possibly even quite forcefully. Doesn’t matter if the protesters were being “non-violent”, I doubt I would allow myself to be crushed by throngs of people….
• Commented on “Marx was Right!”
Marxism, Communism, Socialism…whatever you want to call it-has always seemed to me something that looks good on paper…but history has shown (and will continue to show) does NOT work in real life. No ideal situations exist in this world and for Communism to work requires ideal situations/environments. I don’t think Marx was evil, as some seem to, but just an idealist with some interesting ideas that don’t really work. “Right” or no…they just don’t work. Heck, I even think that pacifism is a neat idea and would be great in an ideal situation…but then some guy comes along with a gun or knife and it’s back to Darwin’s “survival of the fittest”…
• Commented on Thomas Fuchs and Felix Sockwell’s ‘Deconstructing Dumbo’
I don’t know if your comment on bloggers holds water or not…however, I do like BB.net despite the transparent “leanings”. I do wish there to be a bit less political speak on here or at least a bit more objectivity, however. I’m currently on my second username, because I was apparently banned from posting prior (not because of profanity or any such thing, but for disagreeing) Wouldn’t be overly surprised to see this post end up in the bin….
• Commented on Thomas Fuchs and Felix Sockwell’s ‘Deconstructing Dumbo’
So is your implication that educated people are not conservative? The fact of the matter is a) I am conservative b) I am educated c) I, myself am a graphic designer. I supposed applying labels is what this post is really about and the comments have proven it….
• Commented on Thomas Fuchs and Felix Sockwell’s ‘Deconstructing Dumbo’
It is clever logo manipulation…but yeah, the mongers are on both sides, on that there is no debate. The left has Michael Moore, Franken, Maher, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins etc…the right has Limbaugh, Colter, Hannity to an extent. Clearly, BoingBoing has chosen which side they wish to get behind. I suppose we’ll have to deal with it….
NOTE: I’ve removed Comments from “Whimsical Stories”
Here’s another one:
• Commented on
Ronald Reagan was a secret FBI anti-commie snitch
The American communists were managed directly out of Moscow. The only reason they didn’t get their chance to put millions “up against the wall” was because of people like Ronald Reagan….
• Commented on
Ronald Reagan was a secret FBI anti-commie snitch
I really wonder if you would feel the same way if Reagan had been informing on Nazis? The only difference between the two groups is that the communists have a higher body count….
• Commented on
“Marx was… second???”
Well, Mr. Jefferson also thought it was OK to hold slaves, have sex with your slaves, sell people into slavery etc. Probably not a paragon of good economic thought. Thank God the Republicans came into power and freed the slaves….
• Commented on
“Marx was Right!”
Failix This is a new form of argument to me. You write “Fail” and that logically proves what? Only that you have no critical reasoning skills. Open your eyes, read Liberal Fascism, you might get a clue. #247 Buddy666 I meant to write Lenin and Stalin. Do not forget that Lenin started the camps and the mass murders long before Stalin took control….
• Commented on
“Marx was Right!”
#231 Jesse Hitler is included as he was also a socialist, a national socialist. The red fascists and the black fascists are heads and tails of the same coin. When you line up the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century, Lenin and Marx and Hitler and Mao, along with lower ranked contenders like Pol Pot and Castro and Che, you do find Socialism as the common thread. Instead of re-reading Marx, Metzger should do a first read of the Gulag Archipelago, the Black Book of Communism, and Liberal Fascism. Or is that too much reality for this community?…
• Commented on
“Marx was Right!”
Raj77 - the point being that on the one hand you have the socialists, with a body count in the hundreds of millions, and the capitalists, who got excessive bonuses. Of course it’s time to run into the arms of the state and try socialism again….
• Commented on
“Marx was Right!”
Hey, what’s a few hundred million dead among progressives? You Marxists will get it right one of these days. You have to break some eggs, right?…
• Commented on
Solution to AIG bonuses: a 90% tax on people who receive them
Maybe next we can levy a bill of attainder against the people who donated to Prop8 in California, a tax of 100% of their hate donations….
Note: Gay Republican, Money Quote: “Open your eyes, read Liberal Fascism“
Considering that every conflict that wasn’t in the name of either Communism, Fascism or Socialism was ostensibly in the name of some form of Capitalism (if you wash away the veneer of honor or politics) the idea that Communism has killed Millions while Capitalsm has clean hands; is preposterous. Ask a dead homeless person how Capitalism helped them out. You can’t though, because they starved to death, in AMERICA.
Anyway; where was I going?
That’s it.
I can’t stand authoritarians; even though at times that is exactly what I am. I stand on my Bully Pulpit at home and demand blind obedience in the name of social order and cleanliness. Thwip,Thwack, Crack (Whipping Noises, I don’t know). However; I know that out in the streets I don’t carry any real authority. Sure I may possess the requisite size and strength to push people around; I could even lose a millions pounds and become a police officer (if I didn’t have such a problem with following orders). However, even given these sweeping powers of persuasion or intimidation I know what actually moves society; that is the social contract. The understanding that while I want to make my life so much better; I can’t just stomp my way to success, even if I was on TV.
These guys; the Reagan cheering squads; don’t actually understand the social contract. They appear to fervently believe that cooperation and looking out for your neighbours is some kind “girly” persuit and that no person in their right mind would care for it. They want DADDY to look after society while they do there level “naughty” best to get one over on all their brothers and sisters. Daddy will take care of the monsters. Daddy will scare off the bad man. Failing that they will buy themselves a big gun so that they can be like Daddy. Don’t you just want to squeeze their precious little heads (with loving arms)?
Then there are the “Rebellious” Ones:
@hhavenwood what is
#teaparty ?? well, it traces back to our history where the sons of liberty protested onerous taxation from an elete govt
markhendricks: Hmmm? Right wing radicals… religious fanatics with guns? Sounds like our Founding Fathers that the head of DHS doesn’t like
#teaparty joecaruso: They “Cling to their guns, religion and bias”. -Barack Hussein Obama And what does he “Cling” to????
#tcot #teaparty #USA HonestAmerican:
@meanolmeany Threats from libs? They don’t even own guns.
#teaparty joecaruso: I heard the guns and ammo used in this rescue mission of Richard Phillips can be traced back to America.
#tcot #nra #teaparty Tweets from Twits (What was really remarkable was how many “New Media Marketers” there were there)
Oh, those “Tea Partyers” they’re so “Mad as Hell” about what? For 6 years the US government has literally been pissing money into the Deserts of the Middle east, driving up national debt to record amounts; spending national treasure on adventures overses that have produces nearly zero appreciable positive results. If any of you crankknards say “Iraqi Freedom” I’ll poke you in the eye with Ahmed Chalabi’s Cock. They were their own country before America got it’s metal wang all wet and they will be their own country again when America finally stops spurting. However, like a dim-witted john, America left the money on the table next to it’s wallet and fell asleep. America also lets it’s kids have access to the pin number on the Cash Card.
So the Rebels (like Tim McVeigh) get all up in arms about the Government wasting their money and then one of them goes out and does something crazy; like shooting up a bunch of Cops or Killing people in an Immigration Center or Blowing up Federal Buildings. Does the Right-Wing take responsibility? Nope.
They just go back to their default state; kissing Daddy’s ass and telling us how we should love the president, but only if he’s a Right-Winger.
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