How to find George Bush without a Map

Feb 12, 2009 20:31

#4 posted by Anonymous , February 12, 2009 11:27 AM
About a year ago my wife and I visited a Darwin exhibit at the Field museum in Chicago. She grew up in Northern Ireland and was educated in a Catholic school. Partway through the exhibit she started crying. She said she was never taught this stuff, didn’t really understand it until the exhibit, and felt stupid.

Less than 40% of US residents polled accept the existence of Evolution as a concept.  That would be startling if what was discussed was any other country; but the USA produced Paris Hilton, Carrot Top and Sarah Palin.I can accept anything that excoriates the general lack of intelligence that marks North American society as a whole.

It is no wonder Americans are perceived as loud morons who lack the simple ability to locate their rectum using a map and two hands.  Surely they would eat the map (once it was doused in cheese) and then proceed to lick their hands clean while denying the existence of said rectum.  Later; when it was explained that rectum meant “asshole” they would drive to Texas and locate George Bush’s house in a near savant-like trance.

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commentary, darwin, funny, politics, evolution, usa

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