Jack Black’s Parents were Rebels

Oct 22, 2008 11:24

11:15:58 AM    shuggothmstr1: Jen is currently walking some dude around on a leash
11:16:13 AM    shuggothmstr1: He has a 4 page long backstory for his “Warrior”
11:16:30 AM    shuggothmstr1: We had a name for guys who wrote long backstories for their Role Playing Characters… Losers.
11:16:54 AM    o07ben: lol
11:17:28 AM    shuggothmstr1: Check out the Chickwinning name
11:17:47 AM    shuggothmstr1: “powerfighter Axelrad”
11:17:54 AM    shuggothmstr1: Yes, the P is lowercase
11:18:24 AM    shuggothmstr1: It’s slightly better than “Chewbacca Solo” but only slightly
11:19:12 AM    o07ben: lol is that the chewy han solo love baby?

11:19:51 AM    shuggothmstr1: Nope, Chewy took Han’s name after a unitarian wedding
11:20:05 AM    shuggothmstr1: Their Kid is Jack Black

11:20:15 AM    o07ben: id change my name too

Some more about Powerfighter AxelRad

Powerfighter Axelrad:

First Life Details:
Age: 35
Marital Status: Divorced

I’m not about to read his 4 page “origin story” to find out more about him.  He used to play one of the Vampire games on SL and now spends his days pretending to hunt women for sport and sexual predation.  What a winner.

Crossposted from: http://blog.nitemayr.com/2008/10/22/jack-blacks-parents-were-rebels/

entertainment, jack black, han solo, chewbacca, star wars, movies

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