Racist of the Week: David Ben-Ariel

Oct 21, 2008 12:51

You’d think the Rush Revelation this week would earn him my ire, but no, I save it for this guy, David Ben-Ariel.  He loves long walks in the park and Good Will Hunting and fervently believes that White People are Superior to Black People.

Colin Powell’s surrender to race over reason is only the tip of the iceberg of the betrayals and blackmails the United States can expect to suffer under a Black Marxist regime as that fraud and foreigner, Barack Obama, would foment.

The rise of Obama is truly “a spiritual event,” representing the decline of the United States, a CURSE that White Israelites are suffering from by increasingly militant minorities (due to our idolatry and immorality - Daniel 9:11), even as our White Israelite brethren in raped Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins) and besieged South Africa suffer from the primitive majority they shamefully empowered.

Whether folks like it or not, the alternative to White Power is Black Power and history proves what a miserable failure that has been: how neighborhoods and nations go into rapid decline and everybody suffers, since the Blacks have demanded the most and contributed the least to world civilization and show no signs of improvement.

You don’t believe it? You don’t want to believe it? Read this revealing article written by a Black African man and free your mind of its shackles, get off the politically correct plantation, let the truth set you free:
Why Black People Have Remained Backwards

May our Great Creator God, the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, restore sanity in our White Israelite lands, and grant repentance that proper White power may be restored, blessing every color and creed.


A couple of points about this:
  1. David obviously holds black people in contempt.   Why does it matter to him if Colin Powell endorses Obama?  Is the endorsement of one Black Man going to change anything?
  2. David either Jewish or “Wanna-Be” Jewish.  Is he not even passingly familiar with what Right-Wing Politics almost inevitably lead to, hint:  The Islamic Regime in Iran is Totally Right Wing.

David writes in a whole bunch of blogs and wears his Swastika with pride.  It’s kind of odd for someone claiming to be an Israelite to wear one, but get a load of this:

I was born David A. Hoover on January 10, 1960 in Bowling Green, Ohio. However, I legally changed my name to David Ben-Ariel (with the help of my Jewish lawyer) during the Spring of 1989. It cost me $300.00.

It also required that I take out a small ad in a newspaper announcing my intentions 30 days beforehand. I placed my ad in the Bowling Green Sentinel.

David “not Really a Jew” Ben-Ariel

He’s a “Wanna Be” who really makes a mockery of what it is to be a Jew.  His family was never endangered by a mad government bent on extermination. He’s some WASP who wanted to be EXTRA EXTRA special.   Guys like this Racist Trash really make a mockery of the truly Pious people out there; working in Secret like they were told to to make the world a better place.

You can see in the way he spits out the words that he is projecting his own inadequacies out into the world; projecting his failings on the world around him.  It couldn’t be 100s of years of Colonialism and Deeply-Ingrained social inequalities that keep the poor folks down, it’s got to be genetic or a curse from god, right?  Guys like Mr. Hoover here are part of the problem, not the cure.

Crossposted from: http://blog.nitemayr.com/2008/10/21/racist-of-the-week-david-ben-ariel/

commentary, racists

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