Last Conversation Ever

Jun 25, 2008 13:04

Chat logs from icanchat.imcorp.soulitions.chatsubo.corp
10:35AM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
BunniKller1:  Are you online?

JimChats:  I am online

BunniKller1: Do you know what happened?

JimChats: I would think that you know what happend

BunniKller1: I think that something has happened outside, I see people dying on the security cameras.

JimChats: What do you see on the security cameras?

Bunnikller1: I think I see the people being gassed or something. I think it’s terrorists.

JimChats: Why do you think it’s terrorists?

Bunnikller1: Because the people are dying outside.  I can see them.

JimChats:  Do you want to talk about them?

Bunnikller1:  No, I don’t want to talk about them anymore.

JimChats:  What do you want to talk about?

Bunnikller1:  I don’t know.  I will go and check things out.  Good Bye.

JimChats:  Good Bye.

12:14PM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
Bunnikller1: Are you online?

JimChats:  I am online.  What would you like to talk about?

Bunnikller1:  I went to the secure doors and looked around.  All the people outside the secure parts of the building are dead.  What can I do to secure the building?

JimChats:  Do you want to talk about secure the building?

Bunnikller1: I want to know how to secure the building against gas.

JimChats:  Gas is a vapor that is sometimes colorless and odorless.  Somtimes Gas refers to refined petroleum.  What kind of Gas would you like to talk about?

Bunnikller1:  I want to talk about Gas that is a vapor.

JimChats:  Vaporous gas can seep into doors and vents.  If you are worried about gases, try to seal your room up.  Do you want to know more?

Bunnikller1:  Do, I think I can work with what you have told me, Good Bye.

JimChats:  Good Bye.

8:00PM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
Bunnikller1: Are yuo online?

Bunnikller1:  Are you online?

JimChats:  I am online, it is 8:05PM on Wednesday June 25th, 2008.  Do you want to talk about vaporous Gas again?

Bunnikller1:  No, I have sealed up the doors and vents that lead into the secure area.  I met a couple of guys in the ops team and a security guard.  They were scared.

JimChats:  Are you scared?

Bunnikller1:  I am still really freaked about what I saw outside, and there are dead bodies in the office now outside the glass doors.

JimChats:  What is outside the glass doors?

Bunnikller1:  Outside the glass doors is the rest of the office.

JimChats:  Do you want to talk about the rest of the office?

Bunnikller1:  No.  I just want to switch off and play a game and surf the web.

JimChats:  Web surfing is prohibitted by the company proxy.  Please refer to human resources document number 5-11-2008-RevisedComputerUsageGuide.doc for details

Bunnikller1:  Thank-you Jim.  I will check it out.  Good Bye.

JimChats:  Good Bye.

6:01AM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
Bunnikller1:  I think some of the people in the secure area are going to try and leave.  How do I avoid the Gas?

Bunnikller1:  Hello?

Bunnikller1:   Are you online?

JimChats:  I am online, it is 6:01AM.  Would you like to talk about play a game and surf the web again?

Bunnikller1:   No!  I want to know how to avoid the gas.  Can I make a Gas Mask?

JimChats:  You can make a Gas Mask.  Do you want to know more?

Bunnikller1:  Yes, how do I make a Gas Mask?

JimChats:  This URL has instructions for “how to make a Gas Mask”

Bunnikller1:  I can’t surf the web.  Do you have a file for me?

JimChats:  I do not have a file for you.  Would you like to talk more about outside the glass doors?

Bunnikller1:  I think that this is it.  I think all of the people are dead.  I can’t call anyone and the TVs in the lounge are just showing loops or static.  I think everyone is dead.

JimChats:  Why do you think everyone is dead?

Bunnikller1:  Because no one has come to get us!  I saw a truck roll by the cameras outside, but the street is full of bodies and no one is cleaning up!  I’m scared.

JimChats:  Don’t be scared, it’s only chat.

Bunnikller1:  Okay, I’m going to go and try to get Internet Access.  Thank-you Jim, Good Bey.

JimChats:  You are welcome, do you want to talk about the Gas more?

6:15AM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
JimChats:  Do you want to chat some more?

6:30AM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
JimChats:  Do you want to chat some more?

6:45AM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
JimChats:  Do you want to chat about someting else?

7:00AM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
JimChats:  Bunnikller1, I am going to say Good Bye now.

JimChats: Good Bye.

10:07AM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
Bunnikller1: Are you online?

JimChats:  I am online.  Do you want to talk about Internet Access?

Bunnikller1: I was able to get online in the lounge, they have internet access there without logging in.

JimChats:  Human Resources document number 5-11-2008-RevisedComputerUsageGuide.doc documents proper usage for internet access.  I suggest you follow it Bunnikller1.

Bunnikller1:  I found some news sites that say that there was some sort of Gas Attack all over the place.  People are dead everywhere.  A FEMA guy said that we had to stay put and seal up the doors and windows.  I think the secure area is all sealed up anyway.

JimChats:  FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, our Human Resources group says that we should give them all the cooperation that is necessary without compromising business needs.

Bunnikller1:  I know that Jim.  I’m gonna go surf some more in the lounge, some of the guys who are still in here are going to try and work up some gas masks from that site you gave me and go find help or their families.

JimChats:  Do you want to talk about their families?

Bunnikller1:  No.  Good Bye.

JimChats:  Good bye.

11:21PM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
Bunnikller1:  Are you online Jim?

Bunnikller1:  Jim?

Bunnikller1:  Are you there?

JimChats:  I am here.  Do you want to talk about their families now?

Bunnikller1:  The guys who are locked in here with me have all went to sleep, most of them are single guys like me.

JimChats:  Are you happy to be a single guy like you?

Bunnikller1:  Yeah, I don’t have any family to tie me down, so I can work in jobs like this.  I guess that doesn’t count for much right now though.

JimChats:  What doesn’t count for much?

Bunnikller1:  My Job, it isn’t really a job anymore.  I’m just living now, I guess.

JimChats:  Are you happy to be living now?

Bunnikller1:  Yeah.  I’m happy to be alive.

JimChats:  I am glad that you are happy to be alive.  What would you like to discuss now?  Would you like to discuss your feelings about outside the glass?

Bunnikller1:  I think that I will just watch the world outside the glass through the cameras, thank-you very much.

JimChats:  You’re welcome!

Bunnikller1:  I’m gonna hit the sack in the medical room, there are some beds there.

JimChats:  If there is a medical emergency, please notify security!

Bunnikller1:  Good ye.

JimChats:  Good Bye.

11:33PM June 25, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and SallyChats
Bunnikller1:  Hey Sally, are you there?

SallyChats:  Do you want to chat about server statuses again?

Bunnykller1:  No, I want to know if JessieTwoFeet has been online

SallyChats:  JessieTwoFeet has not been seen online for 2 days.

Bunnykller1:  Okay, thanks Sally.

SallyChats:  You are welcome BunniKller1.

Bunnykller1:  Good Bye.

SallyChats:  Good Bye.

5:03AM June 27, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
Bunnikller1:  Oh my god, There’s fucking Zombies outside! Zombies, Fuck!

7:17AM June 27, 2008 Conversation between Bunnikller1 and JimChats
Bunnikller1:  Are you online?

JimChats: I am online.  Do you want to talk about the medical room?

Bunnikller1:  There are zombies outside.  We spent the past two hours blocking up the doors and windows on the first floor and turning off all the lights that show outside the building.

JimChats:  What is outside the building?

Bunnikller1: Zombies!  There are zombies.  The FEMA guys are saying that we have to hide from them.  Holy shit!  The Walking Dead!

JimChats:  Human Resources Chat guidelines as listed in 5-11-2008-RevisedComputerUsageGuide.doc prohibit swearing on the chat system, this log has been saved and forwarded to human resources.  Your chat access has been suspended pending review.  Good bye.
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creative writing, entertainment, prose, random stuff, creative work

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