I still say that Canada should boycott the Olympics (updated)

Jun 24, 2008 15:45

The Olympic torch relay passed through Xinjiang last week under tight security, with all but carefully vetted residents banned from watching on the streets and tight controls over foreign media covering the event.

Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Nick Macfie

Chinese Authorities Demolish Mosque

I suspect that the Chinese net-bullies might be up in arms over this story from Yahoo,  as there is as much nationalism in China as there is an any jingoistic state out there.  I was surprised at how vitrolic the chinese community could be and was ready to just dismiss the chinese as backwards nationalists with no real place in the world.  Then I remembered “Freedom Fries” and “Freedom Toast” and it all become clear to me.

Chinese Nationalists are just as stupid and single-minded as any other nationalist and I shouldn’t look at them as an example of their people.  I should look at the actions of the people as a whole.

Well, that certainly sets me straight.

From Twitter:

fowgre @ nitemayr Yes, and then the world should boycott Vancouver because of the way we’ve treated the First Nations people here. 10 minutes ago from web in reply to nitemayr

nitemayr @ fowgre Sure, why not? It’s only fair. 1 minute ago from web in reply to fowgre

Crossposted from: http://blog.nitemayr.com/2008/06/24/i-still-say-that-canada-should-boycott-the-olympics/

commentary, current events, politics

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