Twitter Updates for 2008-06-12

Jun 12, 2008 23:59

  • Going back to Sabayon, OSX install disappointed #
  • Ground Control to Major Tom #
  • Bed Time - Good Night Internet. See you in the Morning #
  • Agh, slept in! #
  • Hmmm - Good to know #
  • okay, so that was a bad idea. Pulling in posts from my old blog pretty much killed a bunch of my website. #
  • Two new twitter spammers lisaholt and Melissa Walker. Why? Why spam with nonsense? #
  • AGH, several HUNDRED extra posts to delete #
  • Cleaned up from that disaster - Thanks MySql! #
  • Hmmm, I was wondering how I got to 1000 updates so fast. I bet my LJ looks hellish now. #
  • I should be able to clean up from my LJ disaster easily using Scribefire, right? #

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