So far so good

Feb 07, 2008 11:07

Well 2008 has been a great year for me and Terry so far.

Last month we won Beat Your Bills and then we also won the grand prize of a trip to Cancun! We still haven't decided when we're going to go but we're thinking November.

Right now we're in Virginia visiting Terry's family. It's been tight squeezing in all the visiting but we are doing alright.

We got here Saturday night and went out for dinner to my favorite, Red Robin.

On Sunday we visited Terry's mom and Grandma and went shopping. We've been spending lots of money and buying lots of stuff.

On Monday we did more shopping and then went to visit Terry's dad, stepmom and sister. They live way the hell out in Moyock, North Carolina. It took us quite a while to find it because it was actually about 10 miles outside of Moyock, it was dark, there were no street lights and barely any street signs. Eventually we made it and hung out with them for a while.

On Tuesday we did more shopping and visiting and went out to Virginia beach. It was almost 80 degrees and beautiful but it was totally dead. None of the shops were open and no one was around.

On Wednesday we met up wtih Terry's half sisters that he hasn't seen in five years, Ashley and Sam. That was pretty neat. They look exactly like him. We went to a movie with Terry's aunt and grandma - 27 dresses. I'd already seen it but it was fine to see it again.

Today I went for a pedicure with my mother in law and grandma in law. it was pretty sweet. Tonight I'm going to relax and have a nap because we got up at 7 to take the dog to the groomers.

I'm looking forward to going to Miami on Monday! Miss everyone!

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