
Jun 04, 2008 06:21

Well things are getting better.  Rich and I are moving to a bigger apt...  but its further up the hill of doom..  but its worth it.  it has wood floors and big windows (for cross ventilation...) a tub, A GARAGE!!!  woohoo.  i will have my own personal parkingspot inside (no scraping this winter!  woohooooooo)  problwm maybe no free internet but i'll buy it if I have to.  I took over Richards bank account because he asked me to.  we werent able to save anything because he spent it all.  now after a month we have well over a grand saved up (well minus the deposit for the apt)  so things in that way are better.

this baby thing however is getting rediculous.  nothing is wrong with me.  damn it.  how many doctors do I have to pay to tell me that.  I'll keep going though.  we've been to 3.  i'm just getting ready to steal on from the hospital.  cant steal kristens though.  he doesnt want to come out hahaha.  poor girl shes been in labor for days!  Hope today she has him,

anyway thats it for a short up date on my boring life.   
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