Feb 11, 2005 10:18
It's happened again.
THE MOST valuable knowledge people want from me,
HAS NOTHING to do with what I've learned in the classroom.
This morning, skipped class. Too sleepy. But everything happens for a reason eh?
Phone rings, it's Ely from the Lab.
"Hey Marc, how you doing?"
"I'm good, what's up?"
"Do you remember the website that was up? How do you get to it?"
"Go to www.famu.edu, then click on etc etc then E.S.I."
"Yeah, I did but it's not there"
"Hmmm, actually I had that same problem coming to think of it"
*Who are you talking to?
"Hello, Marc, this is Dr. Gragg"
"Good morning"
"What happened to the link on the website?"
"Well, the website still exists but the link has been taken off of Famu's website"
"How did that happen?"
"I don't know"
"How did you get it on there?"
"Actually, Natalee designed the site and had to call tech support or another contact to get the website on there"
"So how do you get to it?"
"Well go to msn.com"
"Uh huh"
"Then type in..."
"Type in where?"
"In the search bar close to the top, type my name"
"Type it in google?"
"No, in the msn.com search bar"
"m.a.r.c. a.a.r.o.n.s."
"You should see two links, the first is the FGAMP ppt presentation, click on the second link"
"Undegraduate lists ..."
"So this has all the information?"
"Yes, on the left are the links to the rest of the site and you should be able to find everything you need on the site there"
"Ok. Marc"
It's amazing what handy information boredom and curiosity about *new and improved search bars can do.