Aaah the muse is here ... and other random news.

Jul 27, 2010 22:21

Since the last SG event I've had the urge to plot one.
As is the way of creativity random discussions / events spawn cool ideas.
I am now working with my beloved on writing a SG event. Don't know when we'll be ready to run it, but it's on the drawing board.
And gives me a creative out without having to write a novel. Or songs.

Numerous factors have had me looking at Bug Out Bags recently. For an assortment of purely hypothetical reasons.
However it does occur to me that I really ought to have some sort of get home bag at work.
I was lucky enough to be off shift when the 7-7 attacks happened, but with the 2012 Olympics on the horizon there may not be a disasterous reason to encounter major problems within London.
Of all the things that need to be considered, the first that crossed my mind (rightly or wrongly) was that if I were to carry an umbrella at all times (not unreasonable - this is England) I'd have a weapon in hand should I need it.
More thought needs to go in to this. Obviously.

I was planning on putting the Storm Commando costume up for sale, what with not having completed it in the .... 5 years? I've been trying to get it to a troopable level.
I'm still in two minds over it. I've put a lot in to it and would like to see it trooped. BUT at the moment it's sat in a box doing nothing but taking up space.

Chocolate coated coffee beans are WAY too nice. (a treat I'm allowing myself as I'm within my calorie limit)
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