Dec 27, 2005 15:30
My christmas was alright. The day before and the day of were very relaxed. Which was good. Because you all know I went crazy about two weeks beforehand. I do that EVERY year. So I've decided that next year all of my Christmas shopping will be done by Thanksgiving. No joke. All of it. And if I ever have the urge to go "Oh, it's not SO bad to do some of it later...I will just remember that everyone turns into dribbling, nuerotic, cattle between Thanksgiving and Christmas. No one remembers how to drive, and their life consists of standing in lines and being herded around the mall. No thank you. I am also seriously considering just stocking up on gift cards. Except for a one person, everyone I know loves gift cards. Including me. They say you learn something new everyday...I think I learned enough stuff to last me a month. Some of them are:
1. No matter what anyone says, double-sided tape is never ever EVER and good idea for wrapping.
2. The fancy, shiny wrapping paper isn't worth it. It looks all pretty on the roll, but once you unroll it...only pain awaits you.
3. I think people that drink non-stop during Christmas are on to something....
4. Gypsies still exsist...and they work at the stands in the mall. Cunning bastards.
5. Mervins sucks.
6. JC Penny sucks.
7. The quilted bear is a vortex and should be avoided at all costs.
I did get to drive like a classic Californian though. One incident was interesting. I got over because someone was going too slow, but then the car in front of me started to slow down to make a turn...but wasn't getting to the side of the road. Then I noticed that the original car who I had wanted to pass started slowing down, too. I knew it was because he was fucking with me and didn't want me to get ahead. Note I was just trying to go the speed limit...not doing anything crazy. In the end, I started going around the car ahead of me and went between the two of them...down the middle of the lanes. Seriously...I am from a state where it is only natural to drive half on the side walk to pass cars in order to turn right. Or go into oncoming traffic in order to get to the left-hand turning lane. On top of all that...I have no love for my car and I know it would hurt you more than me to lose a vehicle.
All in all, everything is done and I am glad. I can't WAIT until this weekend. I plan to party myself into a coma. Sound on Friday, work Saturday and then Area that night. Then recovery on Sunday. Yay!