*Yawn, stretch*
Well hello. My name is Vincent Price. Vince for short ofcourse. Vincie for even shorter. But I digress, there is more irrelvent information that I could talk about in refence about myself.
I guess I can start with my arival story. You could say I was a rescue kitty. I was treed, nobody could say for how long. But these dogs, kitty killers had chased me into a tree. Their owner eventually was able to get me out of the tree but was unable to keep me because of her vecious dogs. So she took me to her moms house, she has dogs too. After finding out that all of the agencies were filled up and they didn't want to take me to the pound, they found me a new home with a couple who rent a house from the mom. It is where I am at now, with my new family; a mom, a dad and a older sister Gabe. A silly turtle named Brocilli. And all the food I can eat, all I do all day is lay around.. no dogs, I am happy.
So for some things I love. I love having my pic taken, hense why I will do the cutiest poses. And it gets me a lot of attention from everyone. One of my favorite things to do is lay on my mommy. If she's playing with her anoying laptop thing, (which I like to sit on that thing too.), or if she's watching TV, I enjoy laying on her lap or on her chest.
My favorite thing to play with is other creatures. I love to mess with the turtle Brocolli.. she's not very fond of me. But it's her fault, she doesn't finish her food so there's this fish that I love to taunt, she didn't eat so I play with it. It would be funier if I could get into the tank. And then there's Gabe, she's my older sister through adoption. She is also a fun toy, I like to sneak up on her when she's not paying attention and give her big hugs. And then she beats me up. My inanimate toy would have to be hair ties, which is a bad habbit that I picked up from Gabe.
Some Random Facts About Me..
~I don't really like people food, except for chicken.
~There is a little foot stool, that is mine, I use it to watch everything and everybody.
~When I can I like to sleep in daddy's computer chair and it's really hard to get me out once I'm there.
Well I think that's about it. I really don't want to patter on. Plus sleep is calling.
*Falls Asleep*
My catster page...
Vincent Fanart