But you will be better off finding me in places other than LJ. Here's what I'm currently updating:
Twitter (I post in both Japanese and English)
My Anime List (I will update this even if I disappear off everything else)
Nanowrimo (Only in November, but I log in every year even if I don't participate)
Feel free to add me in any of the above. Just let me know who you are if you don't think I know you ^^; Either in the comments to this entry, or through a message through their PMing systems.
(Note: Comments to this entry are screened)
✿ LJ history ✿
I started this LJ on April 4, 2006, and updated frequently during the years I lived in Japan (July 2006~December 2008). Most of my posts are really random, but I did do some translations (mostly radio and interviews) and reports of musicals and shows. My main fandom at the time was Tenipuri, so a lot of the posts are related in some way (tenimyus, tenipuri seiyuu, etc). I also have posts about studying for and passing the JLPT Level 1 and Level 2 (I took them in Japan before the new levels were created).
I also have cosplays and con reports from AX06, AX08, and ALA08, but most of the links to images won't work once I switch to iCloud. I don't cosplay anymore, but you can find my past cosplays at
my cosplay.com page. I've been on staff as an escort interpreter for AX since 2011 and for Fanime since 2012. I'm planning to continue on as staff for as long as my work and school schedule will allow.
If after all this, reading any of this still interests you, feel free to add me as a friend, and I'll add you back. Just comment on this entry and let me know what you're interested in, so I can try to point you in the right direction. I have tags, but they might be confusing or incomplete...