scaned a present that I got long time ago ;O; thanks jo I still love it and you
300 dpi
not cleaned
pure scan =O
uhm yeah
a hisashi photoset from loooong long ago
I know there are always some people not being able to handle such stuff right click open in another window / tab to enlarge or just click and go back to this post 11 times.....
hotlinking uhm... well since it's only visible for registered LJ users....... *shrugs*
reposting hmhmhm ask first
comments = ♥
and while I'm away working, is anybody so nice to look up at what quality the arena from july this year was scanned?
I know there are scans, but I just had a blast and scanned them at 300 dpi too
since my comp is a little bitch right now, I doubt that I can cut the file-size down so that would be about 6 MB per pic -> mediafire
aaha well I have to hurry now
see ya ~~~~
nitachan ♥