it started with a friend saying she need some reference pictures for hands and.... backs.. knowing that I had a really stunning kirito back I searched it for her... *well found kohta too but that doesn't matter*
anyways, the pics were in my ZY folder of Pierrot, ok not really mine, I got the pics sorted like that a year ago or so....
anyways, ZY was STUNNING!
so I picked out the pics, left the folder open and after my university stuff and in between household I made
unfortunatelly I can't tell anymore who scanned those, if you know who was the generous person and know she / he wants a credit, would you mind telling me?
oh and of course those aren't all ZY pics, I looked through other scans as well, just yeah... ZY reminded me on a heap of pics that might inspire me.... wonder what I'll do next.....
no hotlinking please, I don't want photobucket to be mean at me
comments are always welcome
credit if you feel like it