Of course Nita needs a backstory post!
Basically though, here's the deal...since she's been in the US since just after getting out of Hogwarts, she needs Hogwarts-era backstory. Her application is
here, but if you don't want to dig through MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF LONG that it is...
* Nita attended Hogwarts from 1988-1995 and was a Ravenclaw.
* She was on the Quidditch team as a chaser in her 5th - 7th years (need to hunt down Julia's post of awesome on that).
* She was a Ravenclaw prefect those three years as well.
* She's Lia's aunt, but they probably won't interact a whole lot beyond letters and stuff. I mean, honestly, I didn't even play out their Christmas thread when they met, for crying out loud.
* She's a journalist.
* She just got engaged, moved to England, and got a job at the Daily Prophet.
It would be really fabulous if she had some friends from her Hogwarts days...and possibly start finding people her own age to be around, because as much fun as having her interview people is going to be...well, girl needs a life too!